adam molyneaux
adam molyneaux
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Cited by
Environomic multi-objective optimisation of a district heating network considering centralized and decentralized heat pumps
A Molyneaux, G Leyland, D Favrat
Energy 35 (2), 751-758, 2010
Privacy-preserving processing of raw genomic data
E Ayday, JL Raisaro, U Hengartner, A Molyneaux, JP Hubaux
International Workshop on Data Privacy Management, 133-147, 2013
A practical evolutionary method for the multi-objective optimisation of complex integrated energy systems including vehicle drivetrains
A Molyneaux
EPFL, 2002
A privacy-preserving solution for compressed storage and selective retrieval of genomic data
Z Huang, E Ayday, H Lin, RS Aiyar, A Molyneaux, Z Xu, J Fellay, ...
Genome research 26 (12), 1687-1696, 2016
A new clustering evolutionary multi-objective optimisation technique
A Molyneaux, D Favrat, GB Leyland
Third International Symposium on Adaptative Systems, Institute of …, 2001
Method to manage raw genomic data in a privacy preserving manner in a biobank
JP Hubaux, E Ayday, J Raisaro, U Hengartner, A Molyneaux, XU Zhenyu, ...
US Patent 10,013,575, 2018
Multi-objective optimisation of vehicle drivetrains
A Molyneaux, D Favrat, GB Leyland
The use of spiral groove gas bearings in a 350 000 rpm cryogenic expander
AK Molyneaux, M Leonhard
Tribology transactions 32 (2), 197-204, 1989
A 40 K turbo-Brayton cryocooler for Earth observation applications
J Tanchon, J Lacapere, J Rey, A Molyneaux, F Paganucci
SD Miller, Jr. RG Ross, and JR Raab, editors, Cryocoolers 20, 2, 2018
A turbo-Brayton cryocooler for future European observation satellite generation
J Tanchon, J Lacapere, A Molyneaux, M Harris, S Hill, SM Abu-Sharkh, ...
Proc. International Cryocooler Conference, Inc., Boulder, CO, 2016
Compresseur radial pour pompe à chaleur biétagée, phase 1
J Schiffmann, A Molyneaux, D Favrat, F Maréchal, M Zehnder, J Godat
Swiss Federal Office for Energy, Bern, Switzerland, Technical Report OFEN, ENET, 2004
Externally pressurised and hybrid bearings lubricated with R134a for oil-free compressors
AK Molyneaux, R Zanelli
Compresseur radial pour pompe à chaleur biétagée
J Schiffmann, A Molyneaux, D Favrat, F Maréchal, M Zehnder, J Godat
Swiss Federal Office of Energy Report, 2002
Methods to compress, encrypt and retrieve genomic alignment data
A Molyneaux, E Ayday, JP Hubaux, J Garcia, Z Huang, H Lin
US Patent 11,393,559, 2022
A fast multi-objective evolutionary algorithm applied to industrial problems
GB Leyland, D Favrat, A Molyneaux
CIMNE, 2002
An optimization tool of hybrid type EV systems
H Ishitani, D Favrat, A Molyneaux, Y Baba
A new multi-objective optimisation technique applied to a vehicle drive train simulation
GB Leyland, A Molyneaux, D Favrat
ECOS'2001-Efficiency, Costs, Optimization, Simulations and Environmental …, 2001
Towards privacy compliance in the management of raw genomic data
E Ayday, JL Raisaro, U Hengartner, A Molyneaux, JP Hubaux
USENIX Security Workshop on Health Information Technologies (HealthTech'13), 2013
Compresseur de réfrigérant hermétique et sans huile.
A Molyneaux, D Favrat, R Zanelli, L Cardoletti, A Jufer, A Merminod, ...
Method to manage raw genomic data in a privacy preserving manner in a biobank
JP Hubaux, E Ayday, J Raisaro, U Hengartner, A Molyneaux, XU Zhenyu, ...
US Patent 10,402,588, 2019
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Articles 1–20