Itai Segall
Itai Segall
Bell Labs Researcher
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Cited by
Using binary decision diagrams for combinatorial test design
I Segall, R Tzoref-Brill, E Farchi
Proceedings of the 2011 International Symposium on Software Testing and …, 2011
Optimizing virtual backup allocation for middleboxes
Y Kanizo, O Rottenstreich, I Segall, J Yallouz
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking 25 (5), 2759-2772, 2017
Obtaining file system view in block-level data storage systems
M Allalouf, M Ben-Yehuda, J Satran, I Segall
US Patent 8,290,994, 2012
Low power mode in cloud storage systems
D Harnik, D Naor, I Segall
2009 IEEE International Symposium on Parallel & Distributed Processing, 1-8, 2009
CloudWave: Where adaptive cloud management meets DevOps
D Bruneo, T Fritz, S Keidar-Barner, P Leitner, F Longo, C Marquezan, ...
2014 IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC), 1-6, 2014
Verifying robustness of gradient boosted models
G Einziger, M Goldstein, Y Sa’ar, I Segall
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 33 (01), 2446-2453, 2019
Interaction-based test-suite minimization
D Blue, I Segall, R Tzoref-Brill, A Zlotnick
2013 35th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), 182-191, 2013
Compositional synthesis of reactive systems from live sequence chart specifications
H Kugler, I Segall
International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and …, 2009
Experience report: Log-based behavioral differencing
M Goldstein, D Raz, I Segall
2017 IEEE 28th International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering …, 2017
Designing optimal middlebox recovery schemes with performance guarantees
Y Kanizo, O Rottenstreich, I Segall, J Yallouz
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 36 (10), 2373-2383, 2018
Planned and Traversable Play-Out: A Flexible Method for Executing Scenario-Based Programs,
D Harel, I Segall
International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and …, 2007
Common patterns in combinatorial models
I Segall, R Tzoref-Brill, A Zlotnick
2012 IEEE Fifth International Conference on Software Testing, Verification …, 2012
Integration of a software content space with test planning and test case generation
EB Boden, I Segall, E Trainin
US Patent 9,569,343, 2017
Test planning using attribute value properties
E Farchi, I Segall, A Zlotnick
US Patent 8,452,813, 2013
Some results on the expressive power and complexity of LSCs
D Harel, S Maoz, I Segall
Pillars of Computer Science: Essays Dedicated to Boris (Boaz) Trakhtenbrot …, 2008
Simplified modeling of combinatorial test spaces
I Segall, R Tzoref-Brill, A Zlotnick
2012 IEEE Fifth International Conference on Software Testing, Verification …, 2012
Test planning based on dynamic coverage analysis
I Segall, R Tzoref-Brill
US Patent 9,218,271, 2015
Synthesis from scenario-based specifications
D Harel, I Segall
Journal of Computer and System Sciences 78 (3), 970-980, 2012
Automatic and continuous software architecture validation
M Goldstein, I Segall
2015 IEEE/ACM 37th IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering 2 …, 2015
Combinatorial testing with order requirements
E Farchi, I Segall, R Tzoref-Brill, A Zlotnick
2014 IEEE Seventh International Conference on Software Testing, Verification …, 2014
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Articles 1–20