Thais Webber
Thais Webber
Lecturer in Computer Science
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Selection of enterprise resource planning software using analytic hierarchy process
RM Czekster, T Webber, AH Jandrey, CAM Marcon
Enterprise Information Systems 13 (6), 895-915, 2019
Exploiting Modbus protocol in wired and wireless multilevel communication architecture
GBM Guarese, FG Sieben, T Webber, MR Dillenburg, C Marcon
2012 Brazilian Symposium on Computing System Engineering, 13-18, 2012
Split: a flexible and efficient algorithm to vector-descriptor product
RM Czekster, P Fernandes, JM Vincent, T Webber
1st International ICST Workshop on Tools for solving Structured Markov Chains, 2010
Performance evaluation of software development teams: a practical case study
P Fernandes, A Sales, AR Santos, T Webber
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 275, 73-92, 2011
GTAexpress: A software package to handle Kronecker descriptors
RM Czekster, P Fernandes, T Webber
2009 Sixth International Conference on the Quantitative Evaluation of …, 2009
Perfect simulation of stochastic automata networks
P Fernandes, JM Vincent, T Webber
International Conference on Analytical and Stochastic Modeling Techniques …, 2008
Tiny NoC: A 3D mesh topology with router channel optimization for area and latency minimization
C Marcon, R Fernandes, R Cataldo, F Grando, T Webber, A Benso, ...
2014 27th International Conference on VLSI Design and 2014 13th …, 2014
Analytical modeling of software development teams in globally distributed projects
RM Czekster, P Fernandes, A Sales, T Webber
2010 5th IEEE International Conference on Global Software Engineering, 287-296, 2010
A dynamic TDMA-based sleep scheduling to minimize WSN energy consumption
A Biazi, C Marcon, F Shubeita, L Poehls, T Webber, F Vargas
2016 IEEE 13th International Conference on Networking, Sensing, and Control …, 2016
A blockchain-based healthcare platform for secure personalised data sharing
J Bowles, T Webber, E Blackledge, A Vermeulen
Public Health and Informatics, 208-212, 2021
Lasio 3D NoC vertical links serialization: Evaluation of latency and buffer occupancy
Y Ghidini, M Moreira, L Brahm, T Webber, N Calazans, C Marcon
2013 26th Symposium on Integrated Circuits and Systems Design (SBCCI), 1-6, 2013
Tiny - An Optimized 3D Mesh NoC for Area and Latency Minimization
C Marcon, T Webber, R Fernandes, R Cataldo, F Grando, L Poehls, ...
Electronics Letters 50 (3), 165-166, 2014
Efficient vector-descriptor product exploiting time-memory trade-offs
RM Czekster, P Fernandes, T Webber
ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review 39 (3), 2-9, 2011
A Framework to Decompose GSPN models
L Brenner, P Fernandes, A Sales, T Webber
International Conference on Application and Theory of Petri Nets, 128-147, 2005
Parallel peps tool performance analysis using stochastic automata networks
L Baldo, LG Fernandes, P Roisenberg, P Velho, T Webber
Euro-Par 2004 Parallel Processing: 10th International Euro-Par Conference …, 2004
Decisor: a software tool to drive complex decisions with analytic hierarchy process
RM Czekster, HJ De Carvalho, GZ Kessler, LM Kipper, T Webber
International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making 18 (01), 65-86, 2019
Annotated BPMN models for optimised healthcare resource planning
J Bowles, RM Czekster, T Webber
Software Technologies: Applications and Foundations: STAF 2018 Collocated …, 2018
Topological impact on latency and throughput: 2D versus 3D NoC comparison
Y Ghidini, T Webber, E Moreno, I Quadros, R Fagundes, C Marcon
2012 25th Symposium on Integrated Circuits and Systems Design (SBCCI), 1-6, 2012
Stochastic performance analysis of global software development teams
RM Czekster, P Fernandes, L Lopes, A Sales, AR Santos, T Webber
ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM) 25 (3), 1-32, 2016
Buffer depth and traffic influence on 3D NoCs performance
Y Ghidini, T Webber, E Moreno, F Grando, R Fagundes, C Marcon
2012 23rd IEEE International Symposium on Rapid System Prototyping (RSP), 9-15, 2012
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Articles 1–20