João F. Teixeira
João F. Teixeira
Senior Deep Learning Engineer at Bosch
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Minspirers—Estudo da exequibilidade de uma aplicação móvel para medição e melhoria da adesão à medicação inalada de controlo em adolescentes e adultos com asma persistente …
C Jácome, R Guedes, R Almeida, JF Teixeira, B Pinho, P Vieira-Marques, ...
Revista Portuguesa de Imunoalergologia 26 (1), 47-61, 2018
Inspirers: An app to measure and improve adherence to inhaled treatment
C Jácome, R Almeida, J Teixeira, P Vieira-Marques, R Vilaça, ...
Lisbon: International Conference e-Health, 2017
A Regression Model for Predicting Shape Deformation after Breast Conserving Surgery
H Zolfagharnasab, S Bessa, SP Oliveira, P Faria, JF Teixeira, JS Cardoso, ...
Sensors 18 (1), 167, 2018
Lightweight deep learning pipeline for detection, segmentation and classification of breast cancer anomalies
HS Oliveira, JF Teixeira, HP Oliveira
Image Analysis and Processing–ICIAP 2019: 20th International Conference …, 2019
InspirerMundi—remote monitoring of inhaled medication adherence through objective verification based on combined image processing techniques
P Vieira-Marques, R Almeida, JF Teixeira, J Valente, C Jácome, ...
Methods of Information in Medicine 60 (S 01), e9-e19, 2021
3D Breast Volume Estimation
PF Gouveia, HP Oliveira, JP Monteiro, JF Teixeira, NL Silva, D Pinto, ...
European Surgical Research 62 (3), 121-126, 2021
Adversarial Data Augmentation on Breast MRI Segmentation
JF Teixeira, M Dias, E Batista, J Costa, LF Teixeira, HP Oliveira
Applied Sciences 11 (10), 4554, 2021
Automatic Quality Assessment of Smart Device Microphone Spirometry.
B Pinho, R Almeida, C Jácome, JF Teixeira, R Amaral, F Lopes, T Jacinto, ...
PECCS, 253-260, 2018
Lung Function Classification of Smartphone Recordings - Comparison of Signal Processing and Machine Learning Combination Sets
TJ JF Teixeira, LF Teixeira, J Fonseca
International Conference on Health Informatics (BIOSTEC 2015), 123-130, 2015
Three-dimensional planning tool for breast conserving surgery: a technological review
SP Oliveira, P Morgado, PF Gouveia, JF Teixeira, S Bessa, JP Monteiro, ...
Critical Reviews™ in Biomedical Engineering 46 (6), 2018
Automatic Analysis of Lung Function Based on Smartphone Recordings
JF Teixeira, LF Teixeira, J Fonseca, T Jacinto
Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies: 8th International Joint …, 2015
B-Mode Ultrasound Breast Anatomy Segmentation
JF Teixeira, AM Carreiro, RM Santos, HP Oliveira
International Conference on Image Analysis and Recognition, 193-201, 2020
Automatic Sternum Segmentation in Thoracic MRI
M Dias, B Rocha, JF Teixeira, HP Oliveira
2019 41st Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2019
Combined Image-Based Approach for Monitoring the Adherence to Inhaled Medications
P Vieira-Marques, JF Teixeira, J Valente, B Pinho, R Guedes, R Almeida, ...
Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing …, 2019
Quality assessment and feedback of Smart Device Microphone Spirometry executed by children
R Almeida, B Pinho, C Jácome, JF Teixeira, R Amaral, F Lopes, T Jacinto, ...
2019 IEEE 6th Portuguese Meeting on Bioengineering (ENBENG), 1-4, 2019
Spacial Aliasing Artefact Detection on T1-Weighted MRI Images
JF Teixeira, HP Oliveira
Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis: 8th Iberian Conference, IbPRIA 2017 …, 2017
Automatic Distinction of Fernando Pessoas’ Heteronyms
JF Teixeira, M Couto
Progress in Artificial Intelligence: 17th Portuguese Conference on …, 2015
A Framework for Fusion of T1-Weighted and Dynamic MRI Sequences
JF Teixeira, S Bessa, PF Gouveia, HP Oliveira
International Conference on Image Analysis and Recognition, 157-169, 2020
Automatic Quality Assessment of a Forced Expiratory Manoeuvre Acquired with the Tablet Microphone
R Almeida, B Pinho, C Jácome, JF Teixeira, R Amaral, I Gonçalves, ...
Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing …, 2019
Multi-modal Complete Breast Segmentation
H Zolfagharnasab, JP Monteiro, JF Teixeira, F Borlinhas, HP Oliveira
Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, 519-527, 2017
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