Ricardo José Martins Pinto
Ricardo José Martins Pinto
University Lusófona Porto
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Assessing the reliability of retrospective reports of adverse childhood experiences among adolescents with documented childhood maltreatment
R Pinto, L Correia, Â Maia
Journal of Family Violence 29, 431-438, 2014
The strongest correlates of PTSD for firefighters: number, recency, frequency, or perceived threat of traumatic events?
RJ Pinto, SP Henriques, I Jongenelen, C Carvalho, ÂC Maia
Journal of traumatic stress 28 (5), 434-440, 2015
A comparison study between official records and self‐reports of childhood adversity
RJ Pinto, ÂC Maia
Child Abuse Review 22 (5), 354-366, 2013
Psychological distress and posttraumatic stress symptoms: The role of maternal satisfaction, parenting stress, and social support among mothers and children exposed to intimate …
RJ Pinto, P Correia-Santos, A Levendosky, I Jongenelen
Journal of interpersonal violence 34 (19), 4114-4136, 2019
When social support is not enough: Trauma and PTSD symptoms in a risk-sample of adolescents
RJ Pinto, D Morgado, S Reis, R Monteiro, A Levendosky, I Jongenelen
Child abuse & neglect 72, 110-119, 2017
Psychopathology, physical complaints and health risk behaviors among youths who were victims of childhood maltreatment: A comparison between home and institutional interventions
RJ Pinto, ÂC Maia
Children and Youth Services Review 35 (4), 603-610, 2013
Characterization of the practice of project management in 30 Portuguese metalworking companies
R Pinto, C Dominguez
Procedia Technology 5, 83-92, 2012
Cortisol awakening response among women exposed to intimate partner violence
RJ Pinto, P Correia-Santos, J Costa-Leite, AA Levendosky, I Jongenelen
Psychoneuroendocrinology 74, 57-64, 2016
Typologies of intimate partner violence-maternal parenting and children’s externalizing problems: The moderating effect of the exposure to other forms of family violence
D Lamela, I Jongenelen, R Pinto, A Levendosky
Child Abuse & Neglect 81, 60-73, 2018
Childhood adversity among institutionalized male juvenile offenders and other high-risk groups without offense records in Portugal
RJ Pinto, AI Fernandes, C Mesquita, AC Maia
Violence and victims 30 (4), 600-614, 2015
Health behaviors as a mediator of the association between interpersonal relationships and physical health in a workplace context
MAP Dinis, HFP Sousa, A Moura, LMF Viterbo, RJ Pinto
International journal of environmental research and public health 16 (13), 2392, 2019
Psychopathology among youths who were victims of documented childhood maltreatment
RJ Pinto, ÂC Maia
Child and adolescent mental health 19 (2), 122-130, 2014
Dos maus-tratos na infância aos comportamentos de risco na idade adulta: um modelo conceptual
R Pinto, A Maia
I Congresso Luso Brasileiro de Psicologia da Saúde, Faro, 5-7, 2009
Shelter versus living with abusive partner: Differences among mothers and children exposed to intimate partner violence
RJ Pinto, D Lamela, C Simães, A Levendosky, I Jongenelen
Journal of Child and Family Studies 28, 2742-2753, 2019
Assessing Reliability and Validity of the Child PTSD Symptom Scale in Portuguese Adolescents
ÂC Pinto, R. J., Correia-Santos, P., Castro, M., Jongenelen, I., Levendosky ...
European Journal of Trauma & Dissociation, 2019
Comorbilidades na toxicodependencia
L Ferros, A Moura, R Pinto, J Negreiros
Revista da Faculdade de Medicina de Lisboa 13 (2), 69-82, 2008
Alternative Models of DSM‐5 Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in Portuguese Adolescents Exposed to Trauma and Childhood Adversity
P Correia‐Santos, D Morgado, ÂC Maia, A Levendosky, I Jongenelen, ...
Journal of Traumatic Stress 32 (6), 908-917, 2019
CPSS-V-The Child PTSD Symptom Scale V
P Correia-Santos, D Morgado, I Jongenelen, A Maia, R Pinto
Manuscrito em submissão, 2018
The mediating role of posttraumatic stress symptoms on somatization in adolescents: A two-wave longitudinal study.
RJ Pinto, M Vieira de Castro, P Correia-Santos, I Jongenelen, ÂC Maia, ...
Psychological trauma: theory, research, practice, and policy 15 (S1), S47, 2023
The impact of psychopathology associated with childhood trauma on quality of life in portuguese adolescents: A two-wave longitudinal study
R Pinto, MV De Castro, L Silva, I Jongenelen, A Maia, AA Levendosky
Frontiers in Psychiatry 12, 650700, 2021
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