Stergios Anastasiadis
Stergios Anastasiadis
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Virtualization-aware access control for multitenant filesystems
G Kappes, A Hatzieleftheriou, SV Anastasiadis
2014 30th Symposium on Mass Storage Systems and Technologies (MSST), 1-6, 2014
Parallel application scheduling on networks of workstations
SV Anastasiadis, KC Sevcik
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 43 (2), 109-124, 1997
Dike: Virtualization-aware Access Control for Multitenant Filesystems
G Kappes, A Hatzieleftheriou, SV Anastasiadis
University of Ioannina, Greece, Technical Report No. DCS2013-1 8, 61-64, 2013
Streaming server
SV Anastasiadis, KC Sevcik, M Stumm
US Patent 7,103,595, 2006
Server-based smoothing of variable bit-rate streams
SV Anastasiadis, KC Sevcik, M Stumm
Proceedings of the ninth ACM international conference on Multimedia, 147-158, 2001
Host-side filesystem journaling for durable shared storage
A Hatzieleftheriou, S Anastasiadis
13th USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies (FAST 15), 59-66, 2015
Low-cost management of inverted files for online full-text search
G Margaritis, SV Anastasiadis
Proceedings of the 18th ACM conference on Information and knowledge …, 2009
Disk-striping scalability in the exedra media server
SV Anastasiadis, KC Sevcik, M Stumm
Multimedia Computing and Networking 2001 4312, 175-189, 2000
Multitenant access control for cloud-aware distributed filesystems
G Kappes, A Hatzieleftheriou, SV Anastasiadis
IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing 16 (6), 1070-1085, 2017
Lerna: An active storage framework for flexible data access and management
SV Anastasiadis, RG Wickremesinghe, JS Chase
HPDC-14. Proceedings. 14th IEEE International Symposium on High Performance …, 2005
Modular and efficient resource management in the exedra media server
SV Anastasiadis, KC Sevcik, M Stumm
3rd USENIX Symposium on Internet Technologies and Systems (USITS 01), 2001
Maximizing Throughput in Replicated Disk Striping of Variable Bit-Rate Streams.
SV Anastasiadis, KC Sevcik, M Stumm
USENIX Annual Technical Conference, General Track, 191-204, 2002
A user-level toolkit for storage I/O isolation on multitenant hosts
G Kappes, SV Anastasiadis
Proceedings of the 11th ACM Symposium on Cloud Computing, 74-89, 2020
Okeanos: Wasteless journaling for fast and reliable multistream storage
A Hatzieleftheriou, SV Anastasiadis
USENIX Annual Technical Conf., Portland, OR, 2011
Circus: Opportunistic block reordering for scalable content servers
SV Anastasiadis, RG Wickremesinghe
3rd USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies (FAST 04), 2004
Libservices: Dynamic storage provisioning for multitenant i/o isolation
G Kappes, SV Anastasiadis
Proceedings of the 11th ACM SIGOPS Asia-Pacific Workshop on Systems, 33-41, 2020
Scale and performance in semantic storage management of data grids
SV Anastasiadis, S Gadde, JS Chase
International Journal on Digital Libraries 5, 84-98, 2005
On processing extreme data
D Petcu, G Iuhasz, D Pop, D Talia, J Carretero, R Prodan, T Fahringer, ...
Scalable Computing. Practice and Experience 16 (4), 467-489, 2016
Scalable and fault-tolerant support for variable bit-rate data in the Exedra streaming server
SV Anastasiadis, KC Sevcik, M Stumm
ACM Transactions on Storage (TOS) 1 (4), 419-456, 2005
Lexicographically optimal smoothing for broadband traffic multiplexing
S Anastasiadis, P Varman, JS Vitter, K Yi
Proceedings of the twenty-first annual symposium on Principles of …, 2002
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Articles 1–20