Digital and Intelligent Industry Lab
Digital and Intelligent Industry Lab
Research Group
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Cited by
Requirements for testing and validating the industrial internet of things
L Antao, R Pinto, J Reis, G Gonçalves
2018 IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and …, 2018
Circular economy strategies for equipment lifetime extension: A systematic review
A Fontana, A Barni, D Leone, M Spirito, A Tringale, M Ferraris, J Reis, ...
Sustainability 13 (3), 1117, 2021
A step forward on Intelligent Factories: A Smart Sensor-oriented approach
G Gonçalves, J Reis, R Pinto, M Alves, J Correia
Emerging Technology and Factory Automation (ETFA), 2014 IEEE, 1-8, 2014
Designing and implementation of an intelligent manufacturing system
FLF Almeida
Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management 4 (4), 718-745, 2011
DINASORE: A Dynamic Intelligent Reconfiguration Tool for Cyber-Physical Production Systems.
EM Pereira, JPC dos Reis, G Gonçalves
SAM IoT, 63-71, 2020
An outbreak of legionnaires’ disease in a municipality in northern Portugal
AM Correia, G Goncalves, J Reis, JM Cruz, JAC e Freitas
Eurosurveillance 6 (7), 121-124, 2001
Sensor selcomp, a smart component for the industrial sensor cloud of the future
L Neto, J Reis, R Silva, G Gonçalves
2017 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT), 1256-1261, 2017
MQTT-RD: A MQTT based Resource Discovery for Machine to Machine Communication.
EM Pereira, R Pinto, JPC dos Reis, G Gonçalves
IoTBDS, 115-124, 2019
Sensor cloud: Smartcomponent framework for reconfigurable diagnostics in intelligent manufacturing environments
L Neto, J Reis, D Guimarães, G Gonçalves
2015 IEEE 13th international conference on industrial informatics (INDIN …, 2015
REPLICA: A Solution for Next Generation IoT and Digital Twin Based Fault Diagnosis and Predictive Maintenance.
R Rossini, D Conzon, G Prato, C Pastrone, JPC dos Reis, G Gonçalves
SAM IoT 2739, 55-62, 2020
A Facility Layout Planner Tool Based on Genetic Algorithms
R Pinto, J Gonçalves, HL Cardoso, E Oliveira, G Gonçalves, B Carvalho
2016 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI), 2016
Authority sharing in mixed initiative control of multiple uninhabited aerial vehicles
R Gonçalves, S Ferreira, J Pinto, J Sousa, G Gonçalves
Engineering Psychology and Cognitive Ergonomics: 9th International …, 2011
Adaptive consoles for supervisory control of multiple unmanned aerial vehicles
C Fuchs, S Ferreira, J Sousa, G Gonçalves
Human-Computer Interaction. Interaction Modalities and Techniques: 15th …, 2013
Mixed initiative control of unmanned air and ocean going vehicles: models, tools and experimentation
JB De Sousa, G Gonçalves
NATO R & T Organisation, 2007
Self-adaptive cobots in cyber-physical production systems
R Nogueira, J Reis, R Pinto, G Gonçalves
2019 24th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory …, 2019
Low cost autonomous underwater vehicles for new concepts of coastal field studies
L Madureira, A Sousa, J Sousa, G Gonçalves
Journal of Coastal Research, 238-242, 2009
Universal parser for wireless sensor networks in industrial cyber physical production systems
R Silva, J Reis, L Neto, G Gonçalves
2017 IEEE 15th International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN …, 2017
AI environment for predictive maintenance in a manufacturing scenario
R Rossini, G Prato, D Conzon, C Pastrone, E Pereira, J Reis, ...
2021 26th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory …, 2021
Human-centered application using cyber-physical production system
J Reis, R Pinto, G Gonçalves
IECON 2017-43rd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society …, 2017
Smart sensing components in advanced manufacturing systems
R Pinto, J Reis, R Silva, M Pesch, GM Gonçalves
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Articles 1–20