David Thompson
Cited by
Cited by
Detection and Visualization of Vortices
M Jiang, R Machiraju, D Thompson
The Visualization Handbook, 295-309, 2005
A novel approach to vortex core region detection
M Jiang, R Machiraju, D Thompson
Proceedings Joint Eurographics-IEEE TVCG Symposium on Visualization, 217-225, 2002
Eduction of swirling structure using the velocity gradient tensor
CH Berdahl, DS Thompson
AIAA journal 31 (1), 97-103, 1993
Investigation of a dynamic hybrid RANS/LES modelling methodology for finite-volume CFD simulations
DK Walters, S Bhushan, MF Alam, DS Thompson
Flow, turbulence and combustion 91, 643-667, 2013
Simulating the freezing of supercooled water droplets impacting a cooled substrate
J Blake, D Thompson, D Raps, T Strobl
AIAA Journal 53 (7), 1725-1739, 2015
Geometric verification of swirling features in flow fields
M Jiang, R Machiraju, D Thompson
Proceedings IEEE Visualization 2002, 307-314, 2002
Path-based control of smoke simulations
Y Kim, R Machiraju, D Thompson
Proceedings of the 2006 ACM SIGGRAPH/Eurographics symposium on Computer …, 2006
Feasibility study of a hybrid ice protection system
T Strobl, S Storm, D Thompson, M Hornung, F Thielecke
Journal of Aircraft 52 (6), 2064-2076, 2015
Physics-based feature mining for large data exploration
DS Thompson, RK Machiraju, M Jiang, JS Nair, G Craclun, SSD Venkata
Computing in Science & Engineering 4 (4), 22-30, 2002
EVITA–Efficient Visualization and Interrogation of Tera-Scale Data
R Machiraju, JE Fowler, DS Thompson, B Soni, W Schroeder
Data Mining for Scientific and Engineering Applications, 257-279, 2001
Solution adaptive grid strategies based on point redistribution
BK Soni, R Koomullil, DS Thompson, H Thornburg
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 189 (4), 1183-1204, 2000
Vortex visualization for practical engineering applications
M Jankun-Kelly, M Jiang, D Thompson, R Machiraju
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 12 (5), 957-964, 2006
Iced airfoil simulation using generalized grids
RP Koomullil, DS Thompson, BK Soni
Applied Numerical Mathematics 46 (3-4), 319-330, 2003
Hybrid Reynolds-Averaged Navier–Stokes/Large-Eddy simulation models for flow around an iced wing
MF Alam, DS Thompson, DK Walters
Journal of aircraft 52 (1), 244-256, 2015
Boosting Techniques for Physics‐Based Vortex Detection
L Zhang, Q Deng, R Machiraju, A Rangarajan, D Thompson, DK Walters, ...
Computer Graphics Forum 33 (1), 282-293, 2014
Quality improvements in extruded meshes using topologically adaptive generalized elements
S Chalasani, D Thompson
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 60 (6), 1139-1159, 2004
Validation of tidal stream turbine wake predictions and analysis of wake recovery mechanism
S Salunkhe, O El Fajri, S Bhushan, D Thompson, D O’Doherty, ...
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 7 (10), 362, 2019
Three-dimensional surface evolution and mesh deformation for aircraft icing applications
X Tong, D Thompson, Q Arnoldus, E Collins, E Luke
Journal of Aircraft 54 (3), 1047-1063, 2017
On the excitation of Görtler vortices by distributed roughness elements
A Sescu, D Thompson
Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics 29, 67-92, 2015
Efficient, physiologically realistic lung airflow simulations
DK Walters, GW Burgreen, DM Lavallee, DS Thompson, RL Hester
IEEE transactions on biomedical engineering 58 (10), 3016-3019, 2011
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Articles 1–20