Pedro Teixeira
Pedro Teixeira
CIPES and FEP- U. Porto
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Markets in higher education: rhetoric or reality?
DD P. Teixeira, AAB Jongbloed
Springer, 2004
Gary Becker’s early work on human capital–collaborations and distinctiveness
PN Teixeira
IZA Journal of Labor Economics 3, 1-20, 2014
Assessing quality and evaluating performance in higher education: Worlds apart or complementary views?
CS Sarrico, MJ Rosa, PN Teixeira, MF Cardoso
Minerva 48, 35-54, 2010
Private higher education and diversity: An exploratory survey
P Teixeira, A Amaral
Higher Education Quarterly 55 (4), 359-395, 2001
The European university landscape: A micro characterization based on evidence from the Aquameth project
C Daraio, A Bonaccorsi, A Geuna, B Lepori, L Bach, P Bogetoft, ...
Research policy 40 (1), 148-164, 2011
Should we start worrying? Mass higher education, skill demand and the increasingly complex landscape of young graduates’ employment
H Figueiredo, R Biscaia, V Rocha, P Teixeira
Studies in Higher Education 42 (8), 1401-1420, 2017
Cost-Sharing and Accessibility in Higher Education: A Fairer Deal? Higher Education Dynamics
PN Teixeira, DB Johnstone, MJ Rosa, H Vossensteyn
Springer, 2006
Competition and diversity in higher education: an empirical approach to specialization patterns of Portuguese institutions
PN Teixeira, V Rocha, R Biscaia, MF Cardoso
Higher education 63 (3), 337-352, 2012
Public vices, private virtues?: Assessing the effects of marketization in higher education
PN Teixeira, DD Dill
Springer Science & Business Media, 2011
The rise and fall of the private sector in Portuguese higher education
A Amaral, P Teixeira
Higher Education Policy 13 (3), 245-266, 2000
Governance within the EHEA: dynamic trends, common challenges, and national particularities
R Middlehurst, PN Teixeira
European higher education at the crossroads: Between the Bologna Process and …, 2012
A Portrait of the Economics of Education, 1960-1997
PN Teixeira
History of Political Economy 32 (Suppl_1), 257-288, 2000
Reforming Higher Education: Public Policy Design and Implementation
C Musselin
Springer Science+ Business Media, 2014
Funding reforms and revenue diversification–patterns, challenges and rhetoric
P Teixeira, T Koryakina
Studies in Higher Education 38 (2), 174-191, 2013
Program diversity in higher education: an economic perspective
DD Dill, P Teixeira
Higher Education Policy 13 (1), 99-117, 2000
O ensino superior pela mão da economia
A Amaral, F Correia, AM Magalhães, MJ Rosa, R Santiago, P Teixeira
Jacob Mincer: the founding father of modern labor economics
PN Teixeira
Oxford University Press, USA, 2007
Rethinking the public-private mix in higher education: Global trends and national policy challenges
P Teixeira, S Kim, P Landoni, Z Gilani
Springer, 2017
Occurrence of carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae in a Portuguese river: blaNDM, blaKPC and blaGES among the detected genes
P Teixeira, M Tacão, L Pureza, J Gonçalves, A Silva, MP Cruz-Schneider, ...
Environmental Pollution 260, 113913, 2020
Is there a higher education market in Portugal?
P Teixeira, MJ Rosa, A Amaral
Higher Education Dynamics 6, 291-310, 2004
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Articles 1–20