Winyu Chinthammit
Winyu Chinthammit
Senior Lecturer/Researcher at HIT Lab AU, University of Tasmania
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Cited by
Cited by
Virtual image registration in augmented display field
W Chinthammit, E Seibel, TA Furness III
US Patent 6,867,753, 2005
Ghostman: augmented reality application for telerehabilitation and remote instruction of a novel motor skill
W Chinthammit, T Merritt, S Pedersen, A Williams, D Visentin, R Rowe, ...
BioMed research international 2014 (1), 646347, 2014
Magic book: Exploring transitions incollaborative arinterfaces
M Billinghurst, S Cambell, I Poupyrev, KTH Kato, W Chinthammit, ...
Proc. of SIGGRAPH 87, 2000
System and method of evaluating an object using electromagnetic energy
BT Schowengerdt, TA Furness III, RD Melville, KE Schroder, RA Burstein, ...
US Patent 8,076,630, 2011
Tele-mentoring using augmented reality technology in healthcare: A systematic review
DT Bui, T Barnett, HT Hoang, W Chinthammit
Australasian Journal of Educational Technology 37 (4), 68-88, 2021
Gestural navigation in google earth
S Stannus, D Rolf, A Lucieer, W Chinthammit
Proceedings of the 23rd Australian Computer-Human Interaction Conference …, 2011
A distributed case‐and project‐based learning to design 3D lab on electronic engineering education
W Yang, N Yuan, W Chinthammit, B Kang
Computer Applications in Engineering Education 27 (2), 430-451, 2019
Situated storytelling with SLAM enabled augmented reality
S Ketchell, W Chinthammit, U Engelke
Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Virtual-Reality …, 2019
Virtual reality-based human-data interaction
EA Widjojo, W Chinthammit, U Engelke
2017 International Symposium on Big Data Visual Analytics (BDVA), 1-6, 2017
iFiction: Mobile technology, new media, Mixed Reality and literary creativity in English teaching
W Chinthammit, A Thomas
2012 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality-Arts, Media …, 2012
Stakeholder-led curriculum redesign
N Herbert, J Dermoudy, L Ellis, M Cameron-Jones, W Chinthammit, ...
University of Tasmania, 2013
Natural interactions between augmented virtual objects
S Neale, W Chinthammit, C Lueg, P Nixon
Proceedings of the 23rd Australian Computer-Human Interaction Conference …, 2011
HCI in food product innovation
W Chinthammit, HBL Duh, J Rekimoto
CHI'14 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 1111-1114, 2014
Identifying career outcomes as the first step in ICT curricula development
N Herbert, K de Salas, I Lewis, M Cameron-Jones, W Chinthammit, ...
Proceedings of the Fifteenth Australasian Computing Education Conference …, 2013
3D mobile interactions for public displays
MDB Machuca, W Chinthammit, Y Yang, H Duh
SIGGRAPH Asia 2014 Mobile Graphics and Interactive Applications, 1-4, 2014
A New Approach to Utilize Augmented Reality on Precision Livestock Farming.
Z Zhao, W Yang, W Chinthammit, R Rawnsley, P Neumeyer, S Cahoon
ICAT-EGVE, 185-188, 2017
Head tracking using the virtual retinal display
W Chinthammit, R Burstein, EJ Seibel, TA Furness
Second IEEE and ACM International Symposium on Augmented Reality, 235-242, 2001
A shared-aperture tracking display for augmented reality
W Chinthammit, EJ Seibel, TA Furness Iii
Presence: Teleoperators & Virtual Environments 12 (1), 1-18, 2003
Development of a framework to support situational tele-mentorship of rural and remote practice
DT Bui, T Barnett, H Hoang, W Chinthammit
Medical Teacher 45 (6), 642-649, 2023
MolyPoly: A 3D Immersive Gesture Controlled Approach to Visuo-Spatial Learning of Organic Chemistry
W Chinthammit, SJ Yoo, C Parker, S Turland, S Pedersen, WT Fu
Computer-Human Interaction. Cognitive Effects of Spatial Interaction …, 2015
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Articles 1–20