Steffen Smolka
Cited by
Cited by
A fast compiler for NetKAT
S Smolka, S Eliopoulos, N Foster, A Guha
Proceedings of the 20th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Functional …, 2015
Guarded Kleene algebra with tests: verification of uninterpreted programs in nearly linear time
S Smolka, N Foster, J Hsu, T Kappé, D Kozen, A Silva
Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages 4 (POPL), 1-28, 2019
Cantor meets Scott: semantic foundations for probabilistic networks
S Smolka, P Kumar, N Foster, D Kozen, A Silva
Proceedings of the 44th ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles of Programming …, 2017
Semi-intelligible Isar proofs from machine-generated proofs
JC Blanchette, S Böhme, M Fleury, SJ Smolka, A Steckermeier
Journal of Automated Reasoning 56, 155-200, 2016
Scalable verification of probabilistic networks
S Smolka, P Kumar, DM Kahn, N Foster, J Hsu, D Kozen, A Silva
Proceedings of the 40th ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language …, 2019
Robust, Semi-Intelligible Isabelle Proofs from ATP Proofs.
SJ Smolka, JC Blanchette
PxTP@ CADE, 117-132, 2013
SwitchV: automated SDN switch validation with P4 models
KD Albab, J DiLorenzo, S Heule, A Kheradmand, S Smolka, K Weitz, ...
Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM 2022 Conference, 365-379, 2022
Proof-carrying network code
C Skalka, J Ring, D Darais, M Kwon, S Gupta, K Diller, S Smolka, N Foster
Proceedings of the 2019 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications …, 2019
SPN OS: Managing network services with virtual network objects
X Wang, C Chen, P Palacharla, M Sekiya, S Smolka, N Foster
2015 IEEE Conference on Network Function Virtualization and Software Defined …, 2015
Deciding probabilistic program equivalence in NetKAT
S Smolka, D Kahn, P Kumar, N Foster, D Kozen, A Silva
arXiv preprint arXiv:1707.02772, 2017
Cantor Meets Scott
S Smolka, P Kumar, N Foster, D Kozen, A Silva
POPL, 2017
KATch: A Fast Symbolic Verifier for NetKAT
M Moeller, J Jacobs, OS Belanger, D Darais, C Schlesinger, S Smolka, ...
Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages 8 (PLDI), 1905-1928, 2024
Data plane program verification
J Lee, CN Schlesinger, JN Foster, H Wang, R Soule, W Hallahan, ...
US Patent 11,188,355, 2021
Performance annotations for cloud computing
D Rogora, S Smolka, A Carzaniga, A Diwan, R Soulé
9th USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Cloud Computing (HotCloud 17), 2017
Cantor meets Scott: Domain-theoretic foundations for probabilistic network programming
S Smolka, P Kumar, N Foster, D Kozen, A Silva
Proc. 44th ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT Symp. Principles of Programming Languages …, 2016
Data plane program verification
J Lee, CN Schlesinger, JN Foster, H Wang, R Soule, W Hallahan, ...
US Patent 11,720,373, 2023
A (Co) Algebraic Approach to Programming and Verifying Computer Networks
SJ Smolka
Cornell University, 2019
Synthesis of Robust, Semi-Intelligble Isar Proofs from ATP Proofs
SJ Smolka
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Articles 1–18