Martin W Hoffmann (Krueger)
Martin W Hoffmann (Krueger)
Other namesMartin W Krueger
ABB Corporate Research
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Cited by
euHeart: personalized and integrated cardiac care using patient-specific cardiovascular modelling
N Smith, A de Vecchi, M McCormick, D Nordsletten, O Camara, AF Frangi, ...
Interface Focus 1 (3), 349-364, 2011
Computational modeling of the human atrial anatomy and electrophysiology
O Dössel, MW Krueger, FM Weber, M Wilhelms, G Seemann
Medical & biological engineering & computing 50, 773-799, 2012
Modeling atrial fiber orientation in patient-specific geometries: a semi-automatic rule-based approach
MW Krueger, V Schmidt, C Tobón, FM Weber, C Lorenz, DUJ Keller, ...
International Conference on Functional Imaging and Modeling of the Heart …, 2011
Personalization of atrial anatomy and electrophysiology as a basis for clinical modeling of radio-frequency ablation of atrial fibrillation
MW Krueger, G Seemann, K Rhode, DUJ Keller, C Schilling, A Arujuna, ...
IEEE transactions on medical imaging 32 (1), 73-84, 2012
Integration of novel sensors and machine learning for predictive maintenance in medium voltage switchgear to enable the energy and mobility revolutions
MW Hoffmann, S Wildermuth, R Gitzel, A Boyaci, J Gebhardt, H Kaul, ...
Sensors 20 (7), 2099, 2020
Conduction velocity restitution of the human atrium—an efficient measurement protocol for clinical electrophysiological studies
FM Weber, A Luik, C Schilling, G Seemann, MW Krueger, C Lorenz, ...
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 58 (9), 2648-2655, 2011
Patient-specific modeling of atrial fibrosis increases the accuracy of sinus rhythm simulations and may explain maintenance of atrial fibrillation
MW Krueger, KS Rhode, MD O‘Neill, CA Rinaldi, J Gill, R Razavi, ...
Journal of electrocardiology 47 (3), 324-328, 2014
In-silico modeling of atrial repolarization in normal and atrial fibrillation remodeled state
MW Krueger, A Dorn, DUJ Keller, F Holmqvist, J Carlson, PG Platonov, ...
Medical & biological engineering & computing 51, 1105-1119, 2013
Mesh structure-independent modeling of patient-specific atrial fiber orientation
A Wachter, A Loewe, MW Krueger, O Dössel, G Seemann
Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering 1 (1), 409-412, 2015
Alterations of atrial electrophysiology related to hemodialysis session: insights from a multiscale computer model
MW Krueger, S Severi, K Rhode, S Genovesi, FM Weber, A Vincenti, ...
Journal of electrocardiology 44 (2), 176-183, 2011
Developing industrial cps: A multi-disciplinary challenge
MW Hoffmann, S Malakuti, S Grüner, S Finster, J Gebhardt, R Tan, ...
Sensors 21 (6), 1991, 2021
Influence of the earliest right atrial activation site and its proximity to interatrial connections on P-wave morphology
A Loewe, MW Krueger, F Holmqvist, O Dössel, G Seemann, PG Platonov
EP Europace 18 (suppl_4), iv35-iv43, 2016
Towards personalized clinical in-silico modeling of atrial anatomy and electrophysiology
MW Krueger, WHW Schulze, KS Rhode, R Razavi, G Seemann, O Dössel
Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing, 1-10, 2012
Proposal for requirements on industrial AI solutions
MW Hoffmann, R Drath, C Ganz
Machine Learning for Cyber Physical Systems: Selected papers from the …, 2021
Left and right atrial contribution to the P-wave in realistic computational models
A Loewe, MW Krueger, PG Platonov, F Holmqvist, O Dössel, G Seemann
Functional Imaging and Modeling of the Heart: 8th International Conference …, 2015
Automatic Multi-model-Based Segmentation of the Left Atrium in Cardiac MRI Scans
D Kutra, A Saalbach, H Lehmann, A Groth, S Dries, M Krueger, O Dössel, ...
Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention–MICCAI 2012, 1-8, 2012
Comparing measured and simulated wave directions in the left atrium–a workflow for model personalization and validation
M Burdumy, A Luik, P Neher, R Hanna, MW Krueger, C Schilling, ...
Walter de Gruyter 57 (2), 79-87, 2012
A framework for personalization of computational models of the human atria
O Dössel, MW Krueger, FM Weber, C Schilling, WHW Schulze, ...
2011 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and …, 2011
Integrative service innovation: An industrial use case
MW Krueger, EK Chew, ZM Ouetani, R Gitzel
2015 IEEE 17th Conference on Business Informatics 1, 217-223, 2015
Model-based assessment of tissue perfusion and temperature in deep hypothermic patients
M Schwarz, MW Krueger, HJ Busch, C Benk, C Heilmann
IEEE transactions on biomedical engineering 57 (7), 1577-1586, 2010
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Articles 1–20