Andrew H. Sung
Cited by
Cited by
Intrusion detection using neural networks and support vector machines
S Mukkamala, G Janoski, A Sung
Proceedings of the 2002 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks …, 2002
Identifying important features for intrusion detection using support vector machines and neural networks
AH Sung, S Mukkamala
2003 Symposium on Applications and the Internet, 2003. Proceedings., 209-216, 2003
Intrusion detection using an ensemble of intelligent paradigms
S Mukkamala, AH Sung, A Abraham
Journal of network and computer applications 28 (2), 167-182, 2005
Association of common genetic variation in the insulin/IGF1 signaling pathway with human longevity
L Pawlikowska, D Hu, S Huntsman, A Sung, C Chu, J Chen, AH Joyner, ...
Aging cell 8 (4), 460-472, 2009
Static analyzer of vicious executables (save)
AH Sung, J Xu, P Chavez, S Mukkamala
20th Annual Computer Security Applications Conference, 326-334, 2004
Detection of phishing attacks: A machine learning approach
R Basnet, S Mukkamala, AH Sung
Soft computing applications in industry, 373-383, 2008
Deepfake detection: A systematic literature review
MS Rana, MN Nobi, B Murali, AH Sung
IEEE access 10, 25494-25513, 2022
Identifying significant features for network forensic analysis using artificial intelligent techniques
S Mukkamala, AH Sung
International Journal of digital evidence 1 (4), 1-17, 2003
Ranking importance of input parameters of neural networks
AH Sung
Expert systems with Applications 15 (3-4), 405-411, 1998
Feature selection for intrusion detection with neural networks and support vector machines
S Mukkamala, AH Sung
Transportation research record 1822 (1), 33-39, 2003
Polymorphic malicious executable scanner by API sequence analysis
JY Xu, AH Sung, P Chavez, S Mukkamala
Fourth International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems (HIS'04), 378-383, 2004
Temporal derivative-based spectrum and mel-cepstrum audio steganalysis
Q Liu, AH Sung, M Qiao
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 4 (3), 359-368, 2009
Feature mining and pattern classification for steganalysis of LSB matching steganography in grayscale images
Q Liu, AH Sung, Z Chen, J Xu
Pattern Recognition 41 (1), 56-66, 2008
Intrusion detection: support vector machines and neural networks
S Mukkamala, G Janoski, A Sung
proceedings of the IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks …, 2002
Modeling intrusion detection systems using linear genetic programming approach
S Mukkamala, AH Sung, A Abraham
International Conference on Industrial, Engineering and Other Applications …, 2004
Intrusion detection using ensemble of soft computing paradigms
S Mukkamala, AH Sung, A Abraham
Intelligent systems design and applications, 239-248, 2003
Predicting injection profiles using ANFIS
M Wei, B Bai, AH Sung, Q Liu, J Wang, ME Cather
Information Sciences 177 (20), 4445-4461, 2007
Intrusion detection systems using adaptive regression spines
S Mukkamala, AH Sung, A Abraham, V Ramos
Enterprise information systems VI, 211-218, 2006
Image complexity and feature mining for steganalysis of least significant bit matching steganography
Q Liu, AH Sung, B Ribeiro, M Wei, Z Chen, J Xu
Information Sciences 178 (1), 21-36, 2008
The feature selection and intrusion detection problems
AH Sung, S Mukkamala
Annual Asian Computing Science Conference, 468-482, 2004
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Articles 1–20