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Statistics-based outlier detection for wireless sensor networks Y Zhang, NAS Hamm, N Meratnia, A Stein, M Van de Voort, PJM Havinga International Journal of Geographical Information Science 26 (8), 1373-1392, 2012 | 205 | 2012 |
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Quantification of the effects of land-cover-class spectral separability on the accuracy of Markov-random-field-based superresolution mapping VA Tolpekin, A Stein IEEE transactions on geoscience and remote sensing 47 (9), 3283-3297, 2009 | 196 | 2009 |
Soil-landscape modelling using fuzzy c-means clustering of attribute data derived from a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) S De Bruin, A Stein Geoderma 83 (1-2), 17-33, 1998 | 194 | 1998 |