Sergio Della Sala
Sergio Della Sala
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Dementia and working memory
A Baddeley, R Logie, S Bressi, SD Sala, H Spinnler
The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology Section A 38 (4), 603-618, 1986
Working memory and executive control
AD Baddeley, S Della Sala
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B …, 1996
The decline of working memory in Alzheimer's disease: A longitudinal study
AD Baddeley, S Bressi, S Della Sala, R Logie, H Spinnler
Brain 114 (6), 2521-2542, 1991
Pattern span: A tool for unwelding visuo–spatial memory
S Della Sala, C Gray, A Baddeley, N Allamano, L Wilson
Neuropsychologia 37 (10), 1189-1199, 1999
Age, executive function and social decision making: a dorsolateral prefrontal theory of cognitive aging.
SE MacPherson, LH Phillips, S Della Sala
Psychology and aging 17 (4), 598, 2002
Cognitive advantage in bilingualism: An example of publication bias?
A De Bruin, B Treccani, S Della Sala
Psychological science 26 (1), 99-107, 2015
Dual-task performance in dysexecutive and nondysexecutive patients with a frontal lesion.
A Baddeley, S Della Sala, C Papagno, H Spinnler
Neuropsychology 11 (2), 187, 1997
Lives without imagery–Congenital aphantasia
A Zeman, M Dewar, S Della Sala
Cortex 73, 378-380, 2015
The Prospective and Retrospective Memory Questionnaire (PRMQ): Normative data and latent structure in a large non-clinical sample
J Crawford, G Smith, E Maylor, S Della Sala, R Logie
Memory 11 (3), 261-275, 2003
Concurrent performance of two memory tasks: Evidence for domain-specific working memory systems
G Cocchini, RH Logie, SD Sala, SE MacPherson, AD Baddeley
Memory & Cognition 30 (7), 1086-1095, 2002
A neurological basis for visual discomfort
A Wilkins, IAN Nimmo-Smith, A Tait, C Mcmanus, SD Sala, A Tilley, ...
Brain 107 (4), 989-1017, 1984
Cognition in action: Testing a model of limb apraxia
R Cubelli, C Marchetti, G Boscolo, S Della Sala
Brain and cognition 44 (2), 144-165, 2000
Inhibitory functioning in Alzheimer’s disease
H Amieva, LH Phillips, S Della Sala, JD Henry
Brain 127 (5), 949-964, 2004
Visual Patterns Test: A test of short-term visual recall
S Della Sala, C Gray, AD Baddeley, L Wilson
Thames Valley Test Company, 1997
Visual short-term memory binding deficits in familial Alzheimer’s disease
MA Parra, S Abrahams, RH Logie, LG Méndez, F Lopera, S Della Sala
Brain 133 (9), 2702-2713, 2010
Is there a specific executive capacity for dual task coordination? Evidence from Alzheimer's disease.
RH Logie, G Cocchini, S Delia Sala, AD Baddeley
Neuropsychology 18 (3), 504, 2004
Dual-task paradigm: a means to examine the central executive.
S Della Sala, A Baddeley, C Papagno, H Spinnler
New York Academy of Sciences, 1995
Group aggregates and individual reliability: The case of verbal short-term memory
RH Logie, SD Sala, M Laiacona, P Chalmers, V Wynn
Memory & Cognition 24, 305-321, 1996
Misinformation lingers in memory: failure of three pro-vaccination strategies
S Pluviano, C Watt, S Della Sala
PloS one 12 (7), e0181640, 2017
Short-term memory binding deficits in Alzheimer's disease
MA Parra, S Abrahams, K Fabi, R Logie, S Luzzi, SD Sala
Brain 132 (4), 1057-1066, 2009
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