Eduardo Mendez Quintas
Eduardo Mendez Quintas
PostDoc Position. University of Vigo
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The coexistence of Acheulean and Ancient Middle Palaeolithic techno-complexes in the Middle Pleistocene of the Iberian Peninsula
M Santonja, A Pérez-González, J Panera, S Rubio-Jara, ...
Quaternary International 411, 367-377, 2016
First evidence of an extensive Acheulean large cutting tool accumulation in Europe from Porto Maior (Galicia, Spain)
E Méndez-Quintas, M Santonja, A Pérez-González, M Duval, M Demuro, ...
Scientific Reports 8 (1), 3082, 2018
Insights into the late stages of the Acheulean technocomplex of Western Iberia from the Arbo site (Galicia, Spain)
E Méndez-Quintas, M Demuro, LJ Arnold, M Duval, A Pérez-González, ...
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 27, 101934, 2019
Refining the chronology of Acheulean deposits at Porto Maior in the River Miño basin (Galicia, Spain) using a comparative luminescence and ESR dating approach
M Demuro, LJ Arnold, M Duval, E Méndez-Quintas, M Santonja, ...
Quaternary International 556, 96-112, 2020
Early Homo erectus lived at high altitudes and produced both Oldowan and Acheulean tools
M Mussi, MM Skinner, RT Melis, J Panera, S Rubio-Jara, TW Davies, ...
Science 382 (6671), 713-718, 2023
Assessing functionality during the early Acheulean in level TKSF at Thiongo Korongo site (Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania)
J Panera, S Rubio-Jara, M Domínguez-Rodrigo, J Yravedra, ...
Quaternary International 526, 77-98, 2019
Gombore II (Melka Kunture, Ethiopia): A new approach to formation processes and spatial patterns of an Early Pleistocene Acheulean site
E Mendez-Quintas, J Panera, F Altamura, L Di Bianco, RT Melis, F Piarulli, ...
Journal of Archaeological Science 108, 104975, 2019
El yacimiento achelense de As Gándaras de Budiño. La industria en facies fluviales/The Acheulian site of As Gándaras de Budiño. The industry in fluvial environments
EM Quintas
Complutum 18, 27-45, 2007
After the emergence of the acheulean at Melka kunture (upper awash, Ethiopia): from Gombore IB (1.6 ma) to Gombore iγ (1.4 ma), Gombore iδ (1.3 ma) and Gombore II OAM test pit …
M Mussi, F Altamura, L Di Bianco, R Bonnefille, S Gaudzinski-Windheuser, ...
Quaternary International 657, 3-25, 2023
The Acheulean technocomplex of the Iberian Atlantic margin as an example of technology continuity through the Middle Pleistocene
E Méndez-Quintas, M Santonja, LJ Arnold, JP Cunha-Ribeiro, PX da Silva, ...
Journal of Paleolithic Archaeology 3 (4), 918-943, 2020
La industria lítica de las facies coluviales del yacimiento achelense de As Gándaras de Budiño. El Locus V en las excavaciones de Vidal Encinas
E Méndez Quintas
Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca (España), 2008
A surge in obsidian exploitation more than 1.2 million years ago at Simbiro III (Melka Kunture, Upper Awash, Ethiopia)
M Mussi, E Mendez-Quintas, D Barboni, H Bocherens, R Bonnefille, ...
Nature ecology & evolution 7 (3), 337-346, 2023
Caracterización y variabilidad tecnomorfológica de las industrias achelenses de la cuenca baja del río Miño:(NO de la península Ibérica)
EM Quintas
Universidad de Burgos, 2017
Human occupations during recent prehistory in the granite caves of the western coast of Galicia
X Groba González, E Méndez Quintas
Universidade da Coruña, 2008
Insights into the relationship between luminescence and ESR dating signals from Spanish sedimentary quartz samples of different geologic origins
M Demuro, M Duval, LJ Arnold, NA Spooner, DF Creighton, ...
Quaternary International 556, 165-179, 2020
Valoración preliminar del yacimiento paleolítico de Portomaior, As Neves, Galicia
EM Quintas, RV Quinteiro, MS Gómez, AP González, S Bárez
Zona arqueológica, 185-192, 2006
O Rebolal: a new cave in Galicia (NW Spain ) with RECENT cave bear remains: Preliminary report
A Grandal-d'Anglade, V Romaní, J Ramón, M Vaqueiro Rodríguez, ...
Scientific Annals, School of Geology Aristotle University of Thessaloniki 98, 0
A multidisciplinary overview of the lower Miño River terrace system (NW Iberian Peninsula)
E Méndez-Quintas, M Santonja, A Pérez-González, LJ Arnold, M Demuro, ...
Quaternary International 566, 57-77, 2020
El yacimiento achelense de As Gándaras de Budiño: Síntesis y perspectivas después de 50 años de desencuentros
E Méndez-Quintas, M Santonja, A Pérez-González, L Arnold, ...
Estudos do Quaternario, 2018
Ocupações pleistocénicas da margem esquerda do Baixo Minho (Miño/Minho2): objetivos e primeiros resultados de um projeto transfronteiriço
JPC Ribeiro, S Monteiro-Rodrigues, AA Gomes, E Méndez-Quintas, ...
Arqueologia em Portugal: 2017, estado da questão, 2017
O sistema não pode efectuar a operação agora. Tente mais tarde.
Artigos 1–20