Sandra Soares
Sandra Soares
Associate Professor with Habilitation, University of Aveiro, Department of Education and Psychology
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Cited by
Evolutionary derived modulations of attention to two common fear stimuli: Serpents and hostile humans
A Öhman, SC Soares, P Juth, B Lindström, F Esteves
Journal of Cognitive Psychology 24 (1), 17-32, 2012
The hidden snake in the grass: superior detection of snakes in challenging attentional conditions
SC Soares, B Lindström, F Esteves, A Öhman
PLoS one 9 (12), e114724, 2014
Some animal specific fears are more specific than others: Evidence from attention and emotion measures
SC Soares, F Esteves, D Lundqvist, A Öhman
Behaviour research and therapy 47 (12), 1032-1042, 2009
Fast detector/first responder: interactions between the superior colliculus-pulvinar pathway and stimuli relevant to primates
SC Soares, RS Maior, LA Isbell, C Tomaz, H Nishijo
Frontiers in neuroscience 11, 67, 2017
The distinct role of the amygdala, superior colliculus and pulvinar in processing of central and peripheral snakes
I Almeida, SC Soares, M Castelo-Branco
PloS one 10 (6), e0129949, 2015
Adaptive memory: The mnemonic value of contamination
NL Fernandes, JNS Pandeirada, SC Soares, JS Nairne
Evolution and Human Behavior 38 (4), 451-460, 2017
Biometric and emotion identification: An ECG compression based method
S Brás, JHT Ferreira, SC Soares, AJ Pinho
Frontiers in psychology 9, 467, 2018
Fear, but not fear-relevance, modulates reaction times in visual search with animal distractors
SC Soares, F Esteves, A Flykt
Journal of Anxiety Disorders 23 (1), 136-144, 2009
The Lurking Snake in the Grass: Interference of Snake Stimuli in Visually Taxing Conditions
sandra c. soares
Evolutionary Psychology 10 (2), 187-197, 2012
Mind the snake: Fear detection relies on low spatial frequencies.
N Gomes, SC Soares, S Silva, CF Silva
Emotion 18 (6), 886, 2018
Beware the serpent: the advantage of ecologically-relevant stimuli in accessing visual awareness
N Gomes, S Silva, CF Silva, SC Soares
Evolution and Human Behavior 38 (2), 227-234, 2017
Multimodal emotion evaluation: A physiological model for cost-effective emotion classification
G Pinto, JM Carvalho, F Barros, SC Soares, AJ Pinho, S Brás
Sensors 20 (12), 3510, 2020
A glimpse of fear: fast detection of threatening targets in visual search with brief stimulus durations
SC Soares, F Esteves
PsyCh journal 2 (1), 11-16, 2013
Study on the usage feasibility of continuous-wave radar for emotion recognition
C Gouveia, A Tomé, F Barros, SC Soares, J Vieira, P Pinho
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 58, 101835, 2020
Anxiety body odors as context for dynamic faces: categorization and psychophysiological biases
M Rocha, V Parma, JN Lundström, SC Soares
Perception 47 (10-11), 1054-1069, 2018
Liderança escolar, projeto e trabalho em equipa: explorando cruzamentos concetuais
JA Costa, S Soares, P Castanheira
Cadernos de pesquisa: pensamento educacional 7 (17), 164-178, 2012
Odor memory performance and memory awareness: a comparison to word memory across orienting tasks and retention intervals
MJ Olsson, EB Lundgren, SC Soares, M Johansson
Chemosensory Perception 2 (3), 161-171, 2009
Multidimensional assessment of anxiety through the State-Trait Inventory for Cognitive and Somatic Anxiety (STICSA): From dimensionality to response prediction across emotional …
F Barros, C Figueiredo, S Brás, JM Carvalho, SC Soares
PLoS One 17 (1), e0262960, 2022
Exogenous attention to fear: Differential behavioral and neural responses to snakes and spiders
SC Soares, D Kessel, M Hernández-Lorca, MJ García-Rubio, ...
Neuropsychologia 99, 139-147, 2017
Nosewitness identification: effects of negative emotion
L Alho, SC Soares, J Ferreira, M Rocha, CF Silva, MJ Olsson
PloS One 10 (1), e0116706, 2015
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Articles 1–20