Enrico Ubaldi
Enrico Ubaldi
Data Scientist - Case Handler - European Commission
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Cited by
Epidemic spreading in modular time-varying networks
M Nadini, K Sun, E Ubaldi, M Starnini, A Rizzo, N Perra
Scientific reports 8 (1), 2352, 2018
Asymptotic theory of time-varying social networks with heterogeneous activity and tie allocation
E Ubaldi, N Perra, M Karsai, A Vezzani, R Burioni, A Vespignani
Scientific reports 6 (1), 35724, 2016
Burstiness and tie activation strategies in time-varying social networks
E Ubaldi, A Vezzani, M Karsai, N Perra, R Burioni
Scientific reports 7 (1), 46225, 2017
Interacting discovery processes on complex networks
I Iacopini, G Di Bona, E Ubaldi, V Loreto, V Latora
Physical Review Letters 125 (24), 248301, 2020
Epidemic spreading and aging in temporal networks with memory
M Tizzani, S Lenti, E Ubaldi, A Vezzani, C Castellano, R Burioni
Physical Review E 98 (6), 062315, 2018
Emergence and evolution of social networks through exploration of the Adjacent Possible space
E Ubaldi, R Burioni, V Loreto, F Tria
Communications Physics 4 (1), 28, 2021
Superdiffusion and transport in two-dimensional systems with Lévy-like quenched disorder
R Burioni, E Ubaldi, A Vezzani
Physical Review E 89 (2), 022135, 2014
Gold nanoparticles formation in solid polyelectrolyte: The catalytic effect of halloysite nanotubes
S Battistoni, A Dimonte, E Ubaldi, Y Lvov, V Erokhin
Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 17 (8), 5310-5317, 2017
Social interactions affect discovery processes
G Di Bona, E Ubaldi, I Iacopini, B Monechi, V Latora, V Loreto
arXiv preprint arXiv:2202.05099, 2022
Asymptotic theory of time varying networks with burstiness and heterogeneous activation patterns
R Burioni, E Ubaldi, A Vezzani
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2017 (5), 054001, 2017
Burstiness and tie reinforcement in time varying social networks
E Ubaldi, A Vezzani, M Karsai, N Perra, R Burioni
arXiv preprint arXiv:1607.08910, 2016
Finding successful strategies in a complex urban sustainability game
B Monechi, E Ubaldi, P Gravino, I Chabay, V Loreto
Scientific Reports 11 (1), 15765, 2021
Mobilkit: a Python toolkit for urban resilience and disaster risk management analytics using high frequency human mobility data
E Ubaldi, T Yabe, NKW Jones, MF Khan, SV Ukkusuri, R Di Clemente, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2107.14297, 2021
A maximum entropy approach for the modelling of car-sharing parking dynamics
S Daniotti, B Monechi, E Ubaldi
Scientific Reports 13 (1), 2993, 2023
Heterogeneity and segregation of mobility patterns
E Ubaldi, B Monechi, C Chiappetta, V Loreto
Handbook on entropy, complexity and spatial dynamics, 486-509, 2021
Political Discussion and Leanings on Twitter: the 2016 Italian Constitutional Referendum
J Bindi, D Colombi, F Iannelli, N Politi, M Sugarelli, R Tavarone, E Ubaldi
arXiv preprint arXiv:1805.07388, 2018
Epidemic spreading in modular time-varying networks. Sci Rep 8 (1): 2352
M Nadini, K Sun, E Ubaldi, M Starnini, A Rizzo, N Perra
Asymptotic theory for the dynamic of networks with heterogenous social capital allocation
E Ubaldi, N Perra, M Karsai, A Vezzani, R Burioni, A Vespignani
arXiv preprint arXiv:1509.04563, 2015
The effects of local and global link creation mechanisms on contagion processes unfolding on time-varying networks
K Sun, E Ubaldi, J Zhang, M Karsai, N Perra
Temporal Network Theory, 313-333, 2023
Mobilkit: A Python Toolkit for Urban Resilience and Disaster Risk Management Analytics
E Ubaldi, T Yabe, N Jones, MF Khan, A Feliciotti, R Di Clemente, ...
Journal of Open Source Software 9 (95), 5201, 2024
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Articles 1–20