Renato Bolson Dala Corte
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Data for: Thresholds of freshwater biodiversity in response to riparian vegetation loss in the Neotropical region
RB Dala-Corte, AS Melo, T Siqueira, LM Bini, RT Martins, AM Cunico, ...
Zenodo repository, 2020
Thresholds of freshwater biodiversity in response to riparian vegetation loss in the Neotropical region
RB Dala‐Corte, AS Melo, T Siqueira, LM Bini, RT Martins, AM Cunico, ...
Journal of Applied Ecology 57 (7), 2020
Revealing the pathways by which agricultural land-use affects stream fish communities in South Brazilian grasslands
RB Dala-Corte, X Giam, JD Olden, FG Becker, TF Guimarães, AS Melo
Freshwater Biology, 2016
Phytoplankton species interactions and invasion by Ceratium furcoides are influenced by extreme drought and water-hyacinth removal in a shallow tropical reservoir
LO Crossetti, D de Campos Bicudo, LM Bini, RB Dala-Corte, C Ferragut, ...
Hydrobiologia, 1-15, 2018
RivFishTIME: A global database of fish time‐series to study global change ecology in riverine systems
L Comte, J Carvajal‐Quintero, PA Tedesco, X Giam, U Brose, T Erős, ...
Global Ecology and Biogeography 30 (1), 38-50, 2021
Photo-identification as a technique for recognition of individual fish: a test with the freshwater armored catfish Rineloricaria aequalicuspis Reis & Cardoso, 2001 …
RB Dala-Corte, JB Moschetta, FG Becker
Neotropical Ichthyology 14, e150074, 2016
Relation between species richness and stream slope in riffle fish assemblages is dependent on spatial scale
M Camana, RB Dala-Corte, FG Becker
Environmental Biology of Fishes 99, 603-612, 2016
Relative importance of local and landscape variables on fish assemblages in streams of Brazilian savanna
HO Barbosa, PP Borges, RB Dala‐Corte, PTA Martins, FB Teresa
Fisheries Management and Ecology, 2019
The importance of metacommunity processes for long-term turnover of riffle-dwelling fish assemblages depends on spatial position within a dendritic network
RB Dala-Corte, FG Becker, AS Melo
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 74 (1), 101-115, 2017
Beta diversity of stream fish communities along anthropogenic environmental gradients at multiple spatial scales
RB Dala-Corte, LF Sgarbi, FG Becker, AS Melo
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 191 (5), 288, 2019
Biologia reprodutiva de Astyanax henseli (Teleostei, Characidae) do curso superior do rio dos Sinos, RS, Brasil
RB Dala-Corte, MA Azevedo
Iheringia. Série Zoologia 100, 259-266, 2010
Effects of spatial distance, physical barriers, and habitat on a stream fish metacommunity
LB Mozzaquattro, RB Dala-Corte, FG Becker, AS Melo
Hydrobiologia, 2020
NEOTROPICAL FRESHWATER FISHES: A dataset of occurrence and abundance of freshwater fishes in the Neotropics
LH Tonella, R Ruaro, VS Daga, DAZ Garcia, OB Vitorino, ...
Ecology 104 (4), e3713, 2023
Riparian integrity affects diet and intestinal length of a generalist fish species
RB Dala-Corte, FG Becker, AS Melo
Marine and Freshwater Research 68 (7), 1272-1281, 2016
Diet-morphology relationship in the stream-dwelling characid Deuterodon stigmaturus (Gomes, 1947) (Characiformes: Characidae) is partially conditioned by …
RB Dala-Corte, ER Silva, CB Fialho
Neotropical Ichthyology 14 (02), e150178, 2016
Assessing the legacy of land use trajectories on stream fish communities of southern Brazil
M Camana, RB Dala-Corte, FC Collar, FG Becker
Hydrobiologia 849 (20), 4431-4446, 2022
Levantamento da ictiofauna da Floresta Nacional de Canela, na região superior da bacia hidrográfica do Rio Caí, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil
RB Dala-Corte, I Franz, MP Barros, PH Ott
Biota Neotropica 9, 221-226, 2009
Functional and taxonomic diversities are better early indicators of eutrophication than composition of freshwater phytoplankton
KB Machado, LM Bini, AS Melo, AT Andrade, MF Almeida, P Carvalho, ...
Hydrobiologia 850 (6), 1393-1411, 2023
Testing the native invasion hypothesis to explain anthropogenic influence on stream fish assemblages
RB Dala-Corte, AS Melo, FG Becker, FB Teresa
Aquatic Sciences 81 (4), 66, 2019
Reproductive tactics and development of sexually dimorphic structures in a stream-dwelling characid fish (Deuterodon stigmaturus) from Atlantic Forest
RB Dala-Corte, CB Fialho
Environmental biology of fishes 97, 1119-1127, 2014
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Articles 1–20