Jose Requeijo
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Qualidade: Planeamento e controlo estatístico de processos
ZL Pereira, JG Requeijo
Co-edição da Fundação da FCT/UNL e da Editora Prefácio, Lisboa, 2008
Integrating six sigma with ISO 9001
P Marques, J Requeijo, P Saraiva, F Frazão‐Guerreiro
International Journal of Lean Six Sigma 4 (1), 36-59, 2013
SIPOC: A Six Sigma tool helping on ISO 9000 quality management systems
PA Marques, JG Requeijo
XIII Congreso de Ingeniería de Organización, 1229-1238, 2009
Application of Lean Six-Sigma methodology to reducing production costs: case study of a Portuguese bolts manufacturer
MR Cabrita, JP Domingues, J Requeijo
International Journal of Management Science and Engineering Management 11 (4 …, 2016
Integration of engineering process control and statistical control in pulp and paper industry
AS Matos, JG Requeijo, ZL Pereira
Computer aided chemical engineering 25, 399-404, 2008
Buildings lean maintenance implementation model
A Abreu, J Calado, J Requeijo
Open Engineering 6 (1), 2016
Condition monitoring based on modified CUSUM and EWMA control charts
SPGFS Lampreia, JFG Requeijo, JAM Dias, VM Vairinhos, PIS Barbosa
Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering 24 (1), 119-132, 2018
Six sigma business scorecard approach to support maintenance projects in a collaborative context
JFG Requeijo, AJP da Costa Feliciano, JMF Calado, ASM da Eira Dias
Revista produção e desenvolvimento 4 (1), 82-97, 2018
Implementation of the statistical process control with autocorrelated data in an automotive manufacturer
JG Requeijo, J Cordeiro
International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering 13 (3), 325-344, 2013
Qualidade: Planeamento e Controlo Estatístico de Processos (Quality: Statistical Process Control and Planning)
ZL Pereira, JG Requeijo
FCT/UNL Foundation Editor, Lisboa, 2012
Técnicas avançadas do controlo estatístico do processo
JFG Requeijo, Universidade Nova de Lisboa
A statistical state analysis of a marine gas turbine
S Lampreia, V Vairinhos, V Lobo, J Requeijo
Actuators 8 (3), 54, 2019
Six Sigma life cycle
PA Marques, PM Saraiva, JG Requeijo, FF Guerreiro
Technology and Manufacturing Process Selection: The Product Life Cycle …, 2014
Planeamento e Controlo Estatístico de Processos: Qualidade
ZL Pereira, JG Requeijo
Lisboa: EdFCT, 2008
T2 charts applied to mechanical equipment condition control
SS Lampreia, JG Requeijo, JM Dias, V Vairinhos
2012 IEEE 16th International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems …, 2012
Uma visão global sobre a qualidade em serviços
RP Leal, JG Requeijo, ZL Pereira
M. Saraiva, & A. Teixeira, Temas em Métodos Quantitativos-Qualidade-nº 0-A …, 2009
Integration of Six Sigma with a QMS based on the ISO 9001 requirements: a Portuguese SME case study
PA Marques, PM Saraiva, JG Requeijo, FJ Guerreiro
2011 IEEE International Conference on Quality and Reliability, 391-397, 2011
An approach to ship equipment maintenance management
S Lampreia, T Morgado, H Navas, R Cabrita, J Requeijo
International Conference Innovation in Engineering, 441-450, 2021
A Fuzzy Logic model to enhance quality management on R&D units
A Abreu, R Santos, JMF Calado, J Requeijo
KnE Engineering, 285–298-285–298, 2020
Value-based axiomatic decomposition (part I): theory and development of the proposed method
PA Marques, JG Requeijo, PM Saraiva, FF Guerreiro
Proceedings of ICAD2013, 1725, 2013
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Articles 1–20