Emilio Olías Ruiz (Olias, E.)
Emilio Olías Ruiz (Olias, E.)
University Carlos III of Madrid. Dep. of Electronics Technology. Power Electronics Systems Group
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Cited by
Review of the maximum power point tracking algorithms for stand-alone photovoltaic systems
V Salas, E Olías, A Barrado, A Lazaro
Solar energy materials and solar cells 90 (11), 1555-1578, 2006
Overview of power inverter topologies and control structures for grid connected photovoltaic systems
L Hassaine, E OLias, J Quintero, V Salas
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 30, 796-807, 2014
New power factor correction AC-DC converter with reduced storage capacitor voltage
A Lazaro, A Barrado, M Sanz, V Salas, E Olias
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 54 (1), 384-397, 2007
Digital power factor control and reactive power regulation for grid-connected photovoltaic inverter
L Hassaine, E Olias, J Quintero, M Haddadi
Renewable Energy 34 (1), 315-321, 2009
New algorithm using only one variable measurement applied to a maximum power point tracker
V Salas, E Olias, A Lazaro, A Barrado
Solar energy materials and solar cells 87 (1-4), 675-684, 2005
The fast response double buck DC-DC converter (FRDB): operation and output filter influence
A Barrado, A Lázaro, R Vázquez, V Salas, E Olías
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 20 (6), 1261-1270, 2005
Evaluation of a new maximum power point tracker (MPPT) applied to the photovoltaic stand-alone systems
V Salas, E Olias, A Lazaro, A Barrado
Solar energy materials and solar cells 87 (1-4), 807-815, 2005
Overview of the state of technique for PV inverters used in low voltage grid-connected PV systems: Inverters below 10 kW
V Salas, E Olias
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 13 (6-7), 1541-1550, 2009
Overview of the photovoltaic technology status and perspective in Spain
V Salas, E Olias
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 13 (5), 1049-1057, 2009
Transformer modeling for FRA techniques
J Pleite, E Olias, A Barrado, A Lazaro, J Vazquez
IEEE/PES Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exhibition 1, 317-321, 2002
DC current injection into the network from PV grid inverters
V Salas, E Olias, M Alonso, F Chenlo, A Barrado
2006 IEEE 4th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conference 2, 2371-2374, 2006
Theoretical study and implementation of a fast transient response hybrid power supply
A Barrado, R Vázquez, E Olías, A Lázaro, J Pleite
IEEE transactions on power electronics 19 (4), 1003-1009, 2004
New DC/DC converter with low output voltage and fast transient response
A Barrado, R Vazquez, A Lazaro, J Pleite, J Vazquez, E Olias
Eighteenth Annual IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition …, 2003
Overview of the state of technique for PV inverters used in low voltage grid-connected PV systems: Inverters above 10 kW
V Salas, E Olías
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 15 (2), 1250-1257, 2011
Power control for grid connected applications based on the phase shifting of the inverter output voltage with respect to the grid voltage
L Hassaine, E Olías, J Quintero, A Barrado
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 57, 250-260, 2014
Linear-non-linear control (LnLc) for DC-DC buck converters: stability and transient response analysis
A Barrado, A Lazaro, J Pleite, R Vazquez, J Vazquez, E Olias
Nineteenth Annual IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition …, 2004
Overview of the legislation of DC injection in the network for low voltage small grid-connected PV systems in Spain and other countries
V Salas, E Olias, M Alonso, F Chenlo
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 12 (2), 575-583, 2008
Fast transient response with combined linear-non-linear control applied to buck converters
A Barrado, R Vazquez, A Lazaro, J Pleite, E Olias
2002 IEEE 33rd Annual IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference …, 2002
Analysis of the maximum power point tracking in the photovoltaic grid inverters of 5 kW
V Salas, M Alonso-Abella, F Chenlo, E Olías
Renewable Energy 34 (11), 2366-2372, 2009
Obtaining a frequency-dependent and distributed-effects model of magnetic components from actual measurements
J Pleite, R Prieto, R Asensi, JA Cobos, E Olias
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 35 (6), 4490-4502, 1999
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Articles 1–20