Martin Hirzel
Martin Hirzel
IBM Research
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Cited by
The DaCapo benchmarks: Java benchmarking development and analysis
SM Blackburn, R Garner, C Hoffmann, AM Khang, KS McKinley, ...
Proceedings of the 21st annual ACM SIGPLAN conference on Object-oriented …, 2006
A catalog of stream processing optimizations
M Hirzel, R Soulé, S Schneider, B Gedik, R Grimm
ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 46 (4), 1-34, 2014
Elastic scaling for data stream processing
B Gedik, S Schneider, M Hirzel, KL Wu
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 25 (6), 1447-1463, 2013
Dynamic hot data stream prefetching for general-purpose programs
TM Chilimbi, M Hirzel
Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN 2002 Conference on Programming language …, 2002
Bursty tracing: A framework for low-overhead temporal profiling
M Hirzel, T Chilimbi
4th ACM workshop on feedback-directed and dynamic optimization (FDDO-4), 117-126, 2001
IBM streams processing language: Analyzing big data in motion
M Hirzel, H Andrade, B Gedik, G Jacques-Silva, R Khandekar, V Kumar, ...
IBM Journal of Research and Development 57 (3/4), 7: 1-7: 11, 2013
Wake up and smell the coffee: Evaluation methodology for the 21st century
SM Blackburn, KS McKinley, R Garner, C Hoffmann, AM Khan, R Bentzur, ...
Communications of the ACM 51 (8), 83-89, 2008
General incremental sliding-window aggregation
K Tangwongsan, M Hirzel, S Schneider, KL Wu
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 8 (7), 702-713, 2015
Partition and compose: Parallel complex event processing
M Hirzel
Proceedings of the 6th ACM International Conference on Distributed Event …, 2012
Stream-enabled spreadsheet as a circuit
MJ Hirzel, R Rabbah, P Suter, OLJ Tardieu, M Vaziri
US Patent 9,569,418, 2017
Auto-parallelizing stateful distributed streaming applications
S Schneider, M Hirzel, B Gedik, KL Wu
Proceedings of the 21st international conference on Parallel architectures …, 2012
Jeannie: Granting Java native interface developers their wishes
M Hirzel, R Grimm
ACM Sigplan Notices 42 (10), 19-38, 2007
Connectivity-based garbage collection
M Hirzel, A Diwan, M Hertz
ACM SIGPLAN Notices 38 (11), 359-373, 2003
Fast online pointer analysis
M Hirzel, DV Dincklage, A Diwan, M Hind
ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems (TOPLAS) 29 (2), 11-es, 2007
Understanding the connectivity of heap objects
M Hirzel, J Henkel, A Diwan, M Hind
Proceedings of the 3rd international symposium on Memory management, 36-49, 2002
Pointer analysis in the presence of dynamic class loading
M Hirzel, A Diwan, M Hind
European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, 96-122, 2004
Low-latency sliding-window aggregation in worst-case constant time
K Tangwongsan, M Hirzel, S Schneider
Proceedings of the 11th ACM international conference on distributed and …, 2017
Jinn: synthesizing dynamic bug detectors for foreign language interfaces
B Lee, B Wiedermann, M Hirzel, R Grimm, KS McKinley
Proceedings of the 31st ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language …, 2010
Proxying open database connectivity (ODBC) calls
H Andrade, B Gedik, MJ Hirzel, RJ Soule, H Wang, KL Wu, Q Zou
US Patent 8,321,443, 2012
On the usefulness of type and liveness accuracy for garbage collection and leak detection
M Hirzel, A Diwan, J Henkel
ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems (TOPLAS) 24 (6), 593-624, 2002
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Articles 1–20