Abbey M. Loehr
Abbey M. Loehr
Research Director, Institute for School Partnership, Washington University in St. Louis
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Cited by
Promoting self-explanation to improve mathematics learning: A meta-analysis and instructional design principles
B Rittle-Johnson, AM Loehr, K Durkin
ZDM 49, 599-611, 2017
Beyond numeracy in preschool: Adding patterns to the equation
B Rittle-Johnson, ER Fyfe, AM Loehr, MR Miller
Early Childhood Research Quarterly 31, 101-112, 2015
Eliciting explanations: Constraints on when self-explanation aids learning
B Rittle-Johnson, AM Loehr
Psychonomic bulletin & review 24, 1501-1510, 2017
Improving conceptual and procedural knowledge: The impact of instructional content within a mathematics lesson
B Rittle‐Johnson, ER Fyfe, AM Loehr
British Journal of Educational Psychology 86 (4), 576-591, 2016
The influence of relational knowledge and executive function on preschoolers’ repeating pattern knowledge
MR Miller, B Rittle-Johnson, AM Loehr, ER Fyfe
Journal of cognition and development 17 (1), 85-104, 2016
Wait for it... Delaying instruction improves mathematics problem solving: A classroom study
AM Loehr, ER Fyfe, B Rittle-Johnson
The Journal of Problem Solving 7 (1), 5, 2014
A five-factor measure of avoidant personality: The FFAvA
DR Lynam, A Loehr, JD Miller, TA Widiger
Journal of personality assessment 94 (5), 466-474, 2012
Design matters: explorations of content and design in fraction games
MS Gresalfi, B Rittle-Johnson, A Loehr, I Nichols
Educational Technology Research and Development 66, 579-596, 2018
Comparing and discussing multiple strategies: An approach to improving algebra instruction
K Durkin, B Rittle-Johnson, JR Star, A Loehr
The Journal of Experimental Education 91 (1), 1-19, 2023
Instruction based on self-explanation
B Rittle-Johnson, AMLO EHR
Handbook of research on learning and instruction, 365-380, 2016
Putting the “th” in tenths: Providing place-value labels helps reveal the structure of our base-10 numeral system
AM Loehr, B Rittle-Johnson
Journal of Cognition and Development 18 (2), 226-245, 2017
The role of domain-general cognitive abilities and decimal labels in at-risk fourth-grade students' decimal magnitude understanding
AS Malone, AM Loehr, LS Fuchs
Learning and individual differences 58, 90-96, 2017
Compare and discuss to promote deeper learning
B Rittle-Johnson, JR Star, K Durkin, A Loehr
Deeper Learning, Dialogic Learning, and Critical Thinking, 48-64, 2019
The content of instruction within a mathematics lesson: Implications for conceptual and procedural knowledge development
B Rittle-Johnson, E Fyfe, A Loehr
Br. J. Educ. Psychol 86, 576-591, 2016
Does calling it “Morgan's way” reduce student learning? Evaluating the effect of person‐presentation during comparison and discussion of worked examples in mathematics classrooms
A Loehr, B Rittle‐Johnson, K Durkin, JR Star
Applied Cognitive Psychology 34 (4), 825-836, 2020
A new teacher-based assessment of preschoolers’ patterning skills
EL Zippert, AM Loehr, B Rittle-Johnson
Childhood 19, 181-189, 2018
Promoting mathematical problem solving and explanation at home: The effects of extended homework use
AM Loehr, B Rittle-Johnson, A Rajendran
Are there costs to using incorrect worked examples in mathematics education?
RM Pillai, AM Loehr, DJ Yeo, MK Hong, LK Fazio
Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition 9 (4), 519-531, 2020
The role of recalling previous errors in middle‐school children's learning
AM Loehr, LK Fazio, B Rittle‐Johnson
British Journal of Educational Psychology 90 (4), 997-1014, 2020
Semantic Verbal Fluency Predicts Mathematical Learning
AM Loehr, MR Miller, MS DeCaro, B Rittle-Johnson
Poster presented at the Association for Psychological Science 25th Annual …, 2013
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Articles 1–20