Barbara Treccani
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Cited by
Cognitive advantage in bilingualism: An example of publication bias?
A De Bruin, B Treccani, S Della Sala
Psychological science 26 (1), 99-107, 2015
Neglect impairs explicit processing of the mental number line
M Zorzi, M Bonato, B Treccani, G Scalambrin, R Marenzi, K Priftis
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 6, 125, 2012
Spatial negative priming in bilingualism
B Treccani, E Argyri, A Sorace, S Della Sala
Psychonomic bulletin & review 16, 320-327, 2009
Registered replication report on fischer, castel, dodd, and pratt (2003)
LJ Colling, D Szűcs, D De Marco, K Cipora, R Ulrich, HC Nuerk, ...
Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science 3 (2), 143-162, 2020
Spatial coding of object typical size: evidence for a SNARC-like effect
R Sellaro, B Treccani, R Job, R Cubelli
Psychological research 79, 950-962, 2015
When co-action eliminates the Simon effect: Disentangling the impact of co-actor's presence and task sharing on joint-task performance
R Sellaro, B Treccani, S Rubichi, R Cubelli
Frontiers in Psychology 4, 844, 2013
Flanker and Simon effects interact at the response selection stage
B Treccani, R Cubelli, SD Sala, C Umiltà
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 62 (9), 1784-1804, 2009
Larger, smaller, odd or even? Task-specific effects of optokinetic stimulation on the mental number space
M Ranzini, M Lisi, E Blini, M Pitteri, B Treccani, K Priftis, M Zorzi
Journal of Cognitive Psychology 27 (4), 459-470, 2015
The role of brief global cognitive tests and neuropsychological expertise in the detection and differential diagnosis of dementia
M Riello, E Rusconi, B Treccani
Frontiers in aging neuroscience 13, 648310, 2021
The measurement of left—right asymmetries in the Simon effect: A fine-grained analysis
M Tagliabue, G Vidotto, C Umiltà, G Altoè, B Treccani, P Spera
Behavior Research Methods 39, 50-61, 2007
Is judgement of line orientation selectively impaired in right brain damaged patients?
B Treccani, T Torri, R Cubelli
Neuropsychologia 43 (4), 598-608, 2005
No matter who, no matter how… and no matter whether the white matter matters. Why theories of bilingual advantage in executive functioning are so difficult to falsify.
B Treccani, C Mulatti
Cortex: A Journal Devoted to the Study of the Nervous System and Behavior 73 …, 2015
Simon effect with and without awareness of the accessory stimulus.
B Treccani, C Umilta, M Tagliabue
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 32 (2), 268, 2006
Influence on Simon and SNARC effects of a nonspatial SR mapping: Between-task logical recoding
B Treccani, N Milanese, C Umiltà
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 36 …, 2010
The connection is in the data: We should consider them all
A de Bruin, B Treccani, S Della Sala
Psychological Science 26 (6), 947-949, 2015
When task sharing reduces interference: Evidence for division-of-labour in Stroop-like tasks
R Sellaro, B Treccani, R Cubelli
Psychological research 84, 327-342, 2020
How to cook a SNARC? Space may be the critical ingredient, after all: A comment on Fischer, Mills, and Shaki (2010)
B Treccani, C Umiltà
Brain and Cognition 75 (3), 310-315, 2011
The need for a revised version of the Benton judgment of line orientation test
B Treccani, R Cubelli
Journal of clinical and experimental neuropsychology 33 (2), 249-256, 2011
Sequential modulation of (bottom–up) response activation and inhibition in a response conflict task: a single-pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation study
B Treccani, G Cona, N Milanese, C Umiltà
Psychological Research 82, 771-786, 2018
The role of the sound of objects in object identification: evidence from picture naming
C Mulatti, B Treccani, R Job
Frontiers in Psychology 5, 1139, 2014
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Articles 1–20