Alina Trifan
Cited by
Cited by
Passive sensing of health outcomes through smartphones: systematic review of current solutions and possible limitations
A Trifan, M Oliveira, JL Oliveira
JMIR mHealth and uHealth 7 (8), e12649, 2019
Understanding depression from psycholinguistic patterns in social media texts
A Trifan, R Antunes, S Matos, JL Oliveira
European Conference on information retrieval, 402-409, 2020
Monitoring students’ attention in a classroom through computer vision
D Canedo, A Trifan, AJR Neves
Highlights of Practical Applications of Agents, Multi-Agent Systems, and …, 2018
EMIF Catalogue: a collaborative platform for sharing and reusing biomedical data
JL Oliveira, A Trifan, LAB Silva
International journal of medical informatics 126, 35-45, 2019
Montra: An agile architecture for data publishing and discovery
LB Silva, A Trifan, JL Oliveira
Computer methods and programs in biomedicine 160, 33-42, 2018
Systematic review of question answering over knowledge bases
A Pereira, A Trifan, RP Lopes, JL Oliveira
IET Software 16 (1), 1-13, 2022
Lifelog retrieval from daily digital data: narrative review
R Ribeiro, A Trifan, AJR Neves
JMIR mHealth and uHealth 10 (5), e30517, 2022
Bioinfo@ UAVR at erisk 2019: delving into social media texts for the early detection of mental and food disorders.
A Trifan, JL Oliveira
CLEF (working notes), 2019
Social media mining for postpartum depression prediction
A Trifan, D Semeraro, J Drake, R Bukowski, JL Oliveira
Digital Personalized Health and Medicine, 1391-1392, 2020
CAMBADA 2013 Team Description Paper
R Dias, AJR Neves, JL Azevedo, B Cunha, J Cunha, P Dias, A Domingos, ...
Proceedings Robocup 2013, 2013
Self-calibration of colormetric parameters in vision systems for autonomous soccer robots
AJR Neves, A Trifan, B Cunha
RoboCup 2013: Robot World Cup XVII 17, 183-194, 2014
MEMORIA: a memory enhancement and moment retrieval application for LSC 2022
R Ribiero, A Trifan, AJR Neves
Proceedings of the 5th annual on lifelog search challenge, 8-13, 2022
Detection of aerial balls in robotic soccer using a mixture of color and depth information
AJR Neves, A Trifan, P Dias, JL Azevedo
2015 IEEE International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems and …, 2015
UAVision: A modular time-constrained vision library for soccer robots
A Trifan, AJR Neves, B Cunha, JL Azevedo
RoboCup 2014: Robot World Cup XVIII 18, 490-501, 2015
A FAIR marketplace for biomedical data custodians and clinical researchers
A Trifan, JL Oliveira
2018 IEEE 31st International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems …, 2018
Patient data discovery platforms as enablers of biomedical and translational research: A systematic review
A Trifan, JL Oliveira
Journal of Biomedical Informatics 93, 103154, 2019
A modular real-time vision system for humanoid robots
AL Trifan, AJR Neves, N Lau, B Cunha
Intelligent Robots and Computer Vision XXIX: Algorithms and Techniques 8301 …, 2012
MEMORIA: A Memory Enhancement and MOment RetrIeval Application for LSC 2023
R Ribeiro, L Amaral, W Ye, A Trifan, AJR Neves, P Iglésias
Proceedings of the 6th Annual ACM Lifelog Search Challenge, 18-23, 2023
VADER meets BERT: sentiment analysis for early detection of signs of self-harm through social mining.
L Barros, A Trifan, JL Oliveira
CLEF (working notes), 897-907, 2021
A survey on lossless compression of Bayer color filter array images
A Trifan, AJR Neves
Int. J. Comput. Electr. Autom. Control Inf. Eng 10, 585-590, 2016
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Articles 1–20