heidi vandebosch
Cited by
Cited by
Defining cyberbullying: A qualitative research into the perceptions of youngsters
H Vandebosch, K Van Cleemput
CyberPsychology & Behavior 11 (4), 499-503, 2008
Cyberbullying among youngsters: Profiles of bullies and victims
H Vandebosch, K Van Cleemput
New media & society 11 (8), 1349-1371, 2009
A meta-analysis of serious digital games for healthy lifestyle promotion
A DeSmet, D Van Ryckeghem, S Compernolle, T Baranowski, ...
Preventive medicine 69, 95-107, 2014
Cyberbullying on social network sites. An experimental study into bystanders’ behavioural intentions to help the victim or reinforce the bully
S Bastiaensens, H Vandebosch, K Poels, K Van Cleemput, A DeSmet, ...
Computers in Human Behavior 31, 259-271, 2014
Personal characteristics and contextual factors that determine “helping,”“joining in,” and “doing nothing” when witnessing cyberbullying
K Van Cleemput, H Vandebosch, S Pabian
Aggressive behavior 40 (5), 383-396, 2014
An investigation of short-term longitudinal associations between social anxiety and victimization and perpetration of traditional bullying and cyberbullying
S Pabian, H Vandebosch
Journal of youth and adolescence 45, 328-339, 2016
Determinants of self-reported bystander behavior in cyberbullying incidents amongst adolescents
A DeSmet, C Veldeman, K Poels, S Bastiaensens, K Van Cleemput, ...
Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking 17 (4), 207-215, 2014
Dark Triad personality traits and adolescent cyber-aggression
S Pabian, C De Backer, H Vandebosch
Personality and Individual Differences, 0
Deciding whether to look after them, to like it, or leave it: A multidimensional analysis of predictors of positive and negative bystander behavior in cyberbullying among …
A DeSmet, S Bastiaensens, K Van Cleemput, K Poels, H Vandebosch, ...
Computers in Human Behavior 57, 398-415, 2016
From normative influence to social pressure: How relevant others affect whether bystanders join in cyberbullying
S Bastiaensens, S Pabian, H Vandebosch, K Poels, K Van Cleemput, ...
Social Development 25 (1), 193-211, 2016
Using the theory of planned behaviour to understand cyberbullying: The importance of beliefs for developing interventions
S Pabian, H Vandebosch
European Journal of developmental psychology 11 (4), 463-477, 2014
The dark side of working online: Towards a definition and an Emotion Reaction model of workplace cyberbullying
I Vranjes, E Baillien, H Vandebosch, S Erreygers, H De Witte
Computers in Human Behavior 69, 324-334, 2017
# Smiling,# venting, or both? Adolescents’ social sharing of emotions on social media
A Vermeulen, H Vandebosch, W Heirman
Computers in Human Behavior 84, 211-219, 2018
Mobilizing bystanders of cyberbullying: An exploratory study into behavioural determinants of defending the victim
A DeSmet, S Bastiaensens, K Van Cleemput, K Poels, H Vandebosch, ...
Annual Review of Cybertherapy and Telemedicine 2012, 58-63, 2012
The efficacy of the Friendly Attac serious digital game to promote prosocial bystander behavior in cyberbullying among young adolescents: A cluster-randomized controlled trial
A DeSmet, S Bastiaensens, K Van Cleemput, K Poels, H Vandebosch, ...
Computers in Human Behavior 78, 336-347, 2018
Exposure to cyberbullying as a bystander: An investigation of desensitization effects among early adolescents
S Pabian, H Vandebosch, K Poels, K Van Cleemput, S Bastiaensens
Computers in Human Behavior 62, 480-487, 2016
Secondary school educators' perceptions and practices in handling cyberbullying among adolescents: A cluster analysis
A DeSmet, N Aelterman, S Bastiaensens, K Van Cleemput, K Poels, ...
Computers & Education 88, 192-201, 2015
Popularity through online harm: The longitudinal associations between cyberbullying and sociometric status in early adolescence
D Wegge, H Vandebosch, S Eggermont, S Pabian
The Journal of Early Adolescence 36 (1), 86-107, 2016
Helping behavior among adolescent bystanders of cyberbullying: The role of impulsivity
S Erreygers, S Pabian, H Vandebosch, E Baillien
Learning and Individual Differences 48, 61-67, 2016
Automatic monitoring of cyberbullying on social networking sites: From technological feasibility to desirability
K Van Royen, K Poels, W Daelemans, H Vandebosch
Telematics and Informatics 32 (1), 89-97, 2015
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Articles 1–20