Yousreya Ahmed Alhamshary
Yousreya Ahmed Alhamshary
Other namesYousreya Alhamshary, Y. Alhamshary, يسرية الهمشري
Associate professor of linguistics, Faculty of Education, Damanhour University
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Cited by
Cited by
On Translating Culture-Bound Expressions in Naguib Mahfouz's The Thief and the Dogs and strategies: A Comparative Study in Arabic-English Translation
YA Alhamshary
مجلة وادي النيل للدراسات والبحوث الإنسانية والاجتماعية والتربويه 31 (31 …, 2021
A Discursive Analysis of Persuasive Metaphors in President Abd El-Fattah El-Sisi's Speech in the Ceremony of Woman Appreciation
YA Alhamshary
مجلة البحث العلمي في الآداب 20 (العدد العشرون الجزء السادس), 495-522, 2019
The ESCCB and the ACR: Is It the Same Fight? Reading on Others’ Ideology: A Pragmatic Analysis of the CNN and BBC Websites
YA Alhamshary
مجلة البحث العلمي في الآداب 22 (7), 50-97, 2021
Digital Readings on Collocational Networks in Mahfouz’s Translated “Trilogy” from Frequencies to Creating Contextual Cultural Meaning
YA Alhamshary
Egyptian Journal of Linguistics and Translation 12 (1), 80-153, 2024
Higher Education: Reflections From the Field-Volume 4
L Waller, S Waller, KKM Stavropoulos
BoD–Books on Demand, 2023
Cognitive Development: Rethinking the Concept of Doing Postgraduate Research
Y Alhamshary
مجلة الدراسات الإنسانية والأدبية 32 (1), 57-85, 2025
Ecolinguistics Devices and Ideology in President El-Sisi’s Climate Change Speeches: A Corpus Discourse Analysis Study
الهمشري, يسرية احمد على
مجلة کلية الآداب. جامعة الإسکندرية 74 (118), 1-33, 2024
Perspective Chapter: Evaluation of E-Learning Challenging Discourse – Prospects and Problems of Implementation
YA Alhamshary
Higher Education - Reflections From the Field - Volume 4 4, 108-155, 2023
Learning Preferences interaction with Working Memory in University-Level Language Acquisition
YA Alhamshary
بحوث فى تدريس اللغات 22 (22), 277-333, 2023
A Corpus-Based Stylistic Analysis of Reem Bassiouney’s Novel “Mortal Designs”
YA Alhamshary
كلية الاداب جامعة حلوان 54 (1), 1-35, 2022
How the Pragmatics of Audiovisual Translation Reflects on Semiotic Cohesion and Strategies in “The Choice 2”
YA Alhamshary
مجلة بحوث کلية الآداب. جامعة المنوفية, 2022
“Aladdin” in the Eyes of Disney 2019: Reflections on Cultural Representation of Middle East Identity
YA Alhamshary
مجلة کلية الآداب جامعة الفيوم 14 (العدد 1 (اللغويات)), 1662-1700, 2022
On Translating Culture-Bound Expressions in Naguib Mahfouz's The Thief and the Dogs” Allasu Walkalab”: A Comparative Study in Arabic-English Translation
YA Alhamshary
مجلة وادي النيل للدراسات والبحوث الإنسانية والاجتماعية والتربويه, 2021
Propagated Media Bias in the Coverage of Khashoggi's Case in the Saudi Newspaper Arab News: A Systemic Functional Grammar Perspective
YA Alhamshary, MA Gaber
فيلولوجى: سلسلة الدراسات الأدبية واللغوية 37 (73), 43-68, 2020
Propagated Media Bias in the Coverage of Khashoggi's Case in the Saudi Newspaper Arab News: A Systemic Functional Grammar Perspective
YA Alhamshary, MA Gaber
فيلولوجى: سلسلة الدراسات الأدبية واللغوية 37 (73), 43-68, 2020
A Glimpse into the Analysis of Religious Discourse and Islamic Identity in Sheikh Al-Azhar Dr Ahmed Al-Tayeb's Sermon on the Occasion of the Prophet's Birth
YA Alhamshary
مجلة البحث العلمي في الآداب 20 (العدد العشرون الجزء الخامس), 425-448, 2019
Beyond Text and Image: the Style of Communication in Social Network websites'
YA Alhamshary
مجلة کلية الآداب. جامعة الإسکندرية 69 (98), 1-28, 2019
A Cultural Approach to Translating the Forgotten Legacy of the Egyptian Folk, A Case study of Mawwal Badriya
YA Alhamshary
مجلة وادي النيل للدراسات والبحوث الإنسانية والاجتماعية والتربويه 24 (24 …, 2019
Learners' Cognitive Aspects & Prospectives of Listening Comprehension
YA Alhamshary
مجلة کلية الآداب. جامعة الإسکندرية 67 (89), 1-16, 2017
Teaching via Internet, Design and Implementation: Internet is a very effective tool for teaching now as there can be more and more real activities for learning that saves
Y Alhamshary
LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, 2012
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Articles 1–20