Frits Spieksma
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Interval scheduling: A survey
AWJ Kolen, JK Lenstra, CH Papadimitriou, FCR Spieksma
Naval Research Logistics 54 (5), 530-543, 2007
A metaheuristic for the school bus routing problem with bus stop selection
P Schittekat, J Kinable, K Sörensen, M Sevaux, F Spieksma, J Springael
European Journal of Operational Research 229 (2), 518-528, 2013
Minimizing the number of tool switches on a flexible machine
Y Crama, AWJ Kolen, AG Oerlemans, FCR Spieksma
The International Journal of Flexible Manufacturing Systems 6, 33-54, 1994
Production planning problems in printed circuit board assembly
Y Crama, J Van De Klundert, FCR Spieksma
Discrete Applied Mathematics 123 (1-3), 339-361, 2002
On the approximability of an interval scheduling problem
FCR Spieksma
Journal of Scheduling 2 (5), 215-227, 1999
Approximation algorithms for three-dimensional assignment problems with triangle inequalities
Y Crama, FCR Spieksma
European Journal of Operational Research 60, 273-279, 1992
Building kidney exchange programmes in Europe—an overview of exchange practice and activities
P Biró, B Haase-Kromwijk, T Andersson, EI Ásgeirsson, T Baltesová, ...
Transplantation 103 (7), 1514-1522, 2019
Modeling and solving the periodic maintenance problem
A Grigoriev, J Van De Klundert, FCR Spieksma
European Journal of Operational Research 172 (3), 783-797, 2006
Multi Index Assignment Problems. Complexity, Approximation, Applications.
FCR Spieksma
Nonlinear Assignment Problems: Algorithms and Applications, 1-12, 2000
Throughput rate optimization in the automated assembly of printed circuit boards
Y Crama, AWJ Kolen, AG Oerlemans, FCR Spieksma
Annals of Operations Research 26, 455-480, 1990
The assembly of printed circuit boards: A case with multiple machines and multiple board types
Y Crama, OE Flippo, J Van De Klundert, FCR Spieksma
European Journal of Operational Research 98 (3), 457-472, 1997
Scheduling the Belgian soccer league
D Goossens, F Spieksma
Interfaces 39 (2), 109-118, 2009
An LP-based algorithm for the data association problem in multitarget tracking
PPA Storms, FCR Spieksma
Computers & Operations Research 30 (7), 1067-1085, 2003
Exact algorithms for procurement problems under a total quantity discount structure
DR Goossens, AJT Maas, FCR Spieksma, JJ Van de Klundert
European Journal of Operational Research 178 (2), 603-626, 2007
Approximation algorithms for multi-dimensional assignment problems with decomposable costs
HJ Bandelt, Y Crama, FCR Spieksma
Discrete Applied Mathematics 49 (1-3), 25-50, 1994
The clique partitioning problem: facets and patching facets
M Oosten, JHGC Rutten, FCR Spieksma
Networks: An International Journal 38 (4), 209-226, 2001
Soccer schedules in Europe: an overview
DR Goossens, FCR Spieksma
Journal of Scheduling 15 (5), 641-651, 2012
On a periodic vehicle routing problem
S Coene, A Arnout, FCR Spieksma
Journal of the Operational Research Society 61 (12), 1719-1728, 2010
A branch-and-bound algorithm for the two-dimensional vector packing problem
FCR Spieksma
Computers & Operations Research 21 (1), 19-25, 1994
Modelling and optimisation in European Kidney Exchange programmes
P Biró, J van de Klundert, D Manlove, W Pettersson, T Andersson, ...
European Journal of Operational Research 291, 447-456, 2021
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