Rasmus Rasmussen
Cited by
Cited by
Electronic whiteboards in emergency medicine: A systematic review
R Rasmussen
Proceedings of the 2nd ACM SIGHIT International Health Informatics Symposium …, 2012
Selecting users for participation in IT projects: Trading a representative sample for advocates and champions?
R Rasmussen, AS Christensen, T Fjeldsted, M Hertzum
Interacting with Computers 23 (2), 176-187, 2011
Balancing Tradition and Transcendence in the Implementation of Emergency-Department Electronic Whiteboads
R Rasmussen, B Fleron, M Hertzum, J Simonsen
Proceedings/Information Systems Research In Scandinavia (IRIS) 33, 73-87, 2010
User participation in implementation
B Fleron, R Rasmussen, J Simonsen, M Hertzum
Proceedings of the 12th Participatory Design Conference: Exploratory Papers …, 2012
The long and twisting path: an efficiency evaluation of an electronic whiteboard system
R Rasmussen, A Kushniruk
Enabling Health and Healthcare through ICT, 174-178, 2013
Digital video analysis of health professionals’ interactions with an electronic whiteboard: A longitudinal, naturalistic study of changes to user interactions
R Rasmussen, A Kushniruk
Journal of biomedical informatics 46 (6), 1068-1079, 2013
Visualizing the application of filters: A comparison of blocking, blurring, and colour-coding whiteboard information
R Rasmussen, M Hertzum
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 71 (10), 946-957, 2013
Details that matter: a study of the reading distance and revision time of electronic over dry-erase whiteboards
R Rasmussen, M Hertzum
Proceedings of the 10th Asia Pacific Conference on Computer-Human …, 2012
Implementation of electronic whiteboards at two emergency
R Rasmussen, B Fleron, M Hertzum, J Simonsen, LH Persson, ...
Proceedings of the 33rd IRIS Information Systems Research Seminar in …, 2010
Consider the details: A study of the reading distance and revision time of electronic over dry-erase whiteboards
R Rasmussen, M Hertzum
Proceedings of the 12th Danish HCI Research Symposium, 2013
Electronic Whiteboards in Emergency Medicine: Studies of Implementation Processes and User Interface Design Evaluations
R Rasmussen
Computer Science Research Report, 1-198, 2013
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Articles 1–11