Joao Luis Cardoso Soares
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Citado por
Using queueing theory to increase the effectiveness of emergency department provider staffing
LV Green, J Soares, JF Giglio, RA Green
Academic Emergency Medicine 13 (1), 61-68, 2006
A new merit function for nonlinear complementarity problems and a related algorithm
F Facchinei, J Soares
SIAM Journal on Optimization 7 (1), 225-247, 1997
Improving the SIPP approach for staffing service systems that have cyclic demands
LV Green, PJ Kolesar, J Soares
Operations Research 49 (4), 549-564, 2001
Convex programming for disjunctive convex optimization
S Ceria, J Soares
Mathematical Programming 86, 595-614, 1999
An active set Newton algorithm for large-scale nonlinear programs with box constraints
F Facchinei, J Júdice, J Soares
SIAM Journal on Optimization 8 (1), 158-186, 1998
An improved heuristic for staffing telephone call centers with limited operating hours
LV Green, PJ Kolesar, J Soares
Production and Operations Management 12 (1), 46-61, 2003
Testing a new class of algorithms for nonlinear complementarity problems
F Francisco, J Soares
Variational Inequalities and Network Equilibrium Problems, 69-83, 1995
Note—Computing Time-Dependent Waiting Time Probabilities in M(t)/M/s(t) Queuing Systems
LV Green, J Soares
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 9 (1), 54-61, 2007
Using queueing theory to increase the effectiveness of physician staffing in the emergency department
LV Green, J Soares, J Giulio, R Green
Academic Emergency Medicine 13 (1), 61-68, 2006
The left‐without‐being‐seen rate: an imperfect measure of emergency department crowding
JM Pines
Academic Emergency Medicine 13 (7), 807-807, 2006
Generating box-constrained optimization problems
F Facchinei, J Judice, J Soares
ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software (TOMS) 23 (3), 443-447, 1997
A block active set algorithm for large-scalequadratic programming with box constraints
L Fernandes, A Fischer, J Júdice, C Requejo, J Soares
Annals of Operations research 81 (0), 75-96, 1998
Disjunctive cuts for mixed 0–1 programming: duality and lifting
S Ceria, J Soares
GSB, Columbia University, 1997
Disjunctive cut generation for mixed 0-1 programs: duality and lifting
S Ceria, J Soares
submitted to Mathematical Programming, 1997
Local analysis of the feasible primal-dual interior-point method
R Silva, J Soares, LN Vicente
Computational Optimization and Applications 40, 41-57, 2008
Aplicação do algoritmo volumétrico na resolução aproximada e exacta do problema do caixeiro viajante assimétrico
AM Rocha, EMGP Fernandes, J Soares
Investigação Operacional 25 (2), 277-294, 2005
Solving the traveling repairman problem with differentiated waiting times through lagrangian relaxation
AM Rocha, J Soares, EMGP Fernandes
I Congresso de Estatística e Investigação Operacional da Galiza e Norte de …, 2005
Solution of asymmetric traveling salesman problems combining the volume and simplex algorithms
AMA Rocha, EM Fernandes, JLC Soares
Disjunctive convex optimization
JLC Soares
Columbia University, 1998
An active set Newton's algorithm for large-scale nonlinear programs with box constraints
J Soares, J Júdice, F Facchinei
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche. Istituto di Analisi dei Sistemi ed …, 1994
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