Stefan Minner
Cited by
Cited by
Multiple-supplier inventory models in supply chain management: A review
S Minner
International journal of production economics 81, 265-279, 2003
Combating copycats in the supply chain with permissioned blockchain technology
B Shen, C Dong, S Minner
Production and Operations Management 31 (1), 138-154, 2022
A review on supply chain contracting with information considerations: information updating and information asymmetry
B Shen, TM Choi, S Minner
International Journal of Production Research 57 (15-16), 4898-4936, 2019
Strategic safety stocks in reverse logistics supply chains
S Minner
International journal of production economics 71 (1-3), 417-428, 2001
Safety stock planning under causal demand forecasting
AL Beutel, S Minner
International Journal of Production Economics 140 (2), 637-645, 2012
Safety stocks in multi-stage inventory systems under different service measures
K Inderfurth, S Minner
European Journal of Operational Research 106 (1), 57-73, 1998
Manufacturing network configuration in supply chains with product recovery
D Francas, S Minner
Omega 37 (4), 757-769, 2009
Optimizing trading decisions for hydro storage systems using approximate dual dynamic programming
N Löhndorf, D Wozabal, S Minner
Operations Research 61 (4), 810-823, 2013
Do random errors explain newsvendor behavior?
M Kremer, S Minner, LN Van Wassenhove
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 12 (4), 673-681, 2010
A continuous time inventory model for a product recovery system with multiple options
R Kleber, S Minner, G Kiesmüller
International Journal of Production Economics 79 (2), 121-141, 2002
Periodic review inventory-control for perishable products under service-level constraints
S Minner, S Transchel
OR spectrum 32, 979-996, 2010
A typology and literature review on stochastic multi-echelon inventory models
T De Kok, C Grob, M Laumanns, S Minner, J Rambau, K Schade
European Journal of Operational Research 269 (3), 955-983, 2018
Optimal control of production and remanufacturing in a simple recovery model with linear cost functions: Optimale Kontrolle von Produktion und Aufarbeitung in einem einfachen …
S Minner, R Kleber
OR-Spektrum 23, 3-24, 2001
Benders decomposition for discrete–continuous linear bilevel problems with application to traffic network design
P Fontaine, S Minner
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 70, 163-172, 2014
Strategic safety stocks in supply chains
S Minner
Springer Science & Business Media, 2012
A multiple sourcing inventory model under disruption risk
L Silbermayr, S Minner
International Journal of Production Economics 149, 37-46, 2014
An improved heuristic for deciding on emergency transshipments
S Minner, EA Silver, DJ Robb
European Journal of Operational Research 148 (2), 384-400, 2003
Machine and labor flexibility in manufacturing networks
D Francas, N Löhndorf, S Minner
International Journal of Production Economics 131 (1), 165-174, 2011
Dynamic product acquisition in closed loop supply chains
S Minner, GP Kiesmüller
International Journal of Production Research 50 (11), 2836-2851, 2012
Supplier selection under failure risk, quantity and business volume discounts
C Bohner, S Minner
Computers & Industrial Engineering 104, 145-155, 2017
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Articles 1–20