João Manuel Rodrigues
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Cited by
Methodologies to assess muscle co-contraction during gait in people with neurological impairment–a systematic literature review
MCN Rosa, A Marques, S Demain, CD Metcalf, J Rodrigues
Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 24 (2), 179-191, 2014
On finding minimal absent words
AJ Pinho, PJSG Ferreira, SP Garcia, JMOS Rodrigues
BMC bioinformatics 10, 1-11, 2009
Methane production by a combined Sabatier reaction/water electrolysis process
L Guerra, S Rossi, J Rodrigues, J Gomes, J Puna, MT Santos
Journal of environmental chemical engineering 6 (1), 671-676, 2018
CAMBADA soccer team: from robot architecture to multiagent coordination
AJR Neves, JL Azevedo, B Cunha, N Lau, J Silva, F Santos, G Corrente, ...
Robot Soccer, 2010
Automatic crackle detection algorithm based on fractal dimension and box filtering
C Pinho, A Oliveira, C Jácome, J Rodrigues, A Marques
Procedia Computer Science 64, 705-712, 2015
Minimal absent words in prokaryotic and eukaryotic genomes
SP Garcia, AJ Pinho, JMOS Rodrigues, CAC Bastos, PJSG Ferreira
PLoS One 6 (1), e16065, 2011
XS: a FASTQ read simulator
D Pratas, AJ Pinho, JM OS Rodrigues
BMC research notes 7, 1-7, 2014
Respiratory sound annotation software
J Dinis, G Campos, J Rodrigues, A Marques
International conference on health informatics 2, 183-188, 2012
Preliminary study of synthesis gas production from water electrolysis, using the ELECTROFUEL® concept
L Guerra, J Gomes, J Puna, J Rodrigues
Energy 89, 1050-1056, 2015
Effects of the FIFA 11+ on ankle evertors latency time and knee muscle strength in amateur futsal players
M Lopes, JM Rodrigues, P Monteiro, M Rodrigues, R Costa, J Oliveira, ...
European journal of sport science 20 (1), 24-34, 2020
The FIFA 11+ does not alter physical performance of amateur futsal players.
M Lopes, D Simões, JM Rodrigues, R Costa, J Oliveira, F Ribeiro
The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness 59 (5), 743-751, 2018
The breakdown of the word symmetry in the human genome
V Afreixo, CAC Bastos, SP Garcia, JMOS Rodrigues, AJ Pinho, ...
Journal of theoretical biology 335, 153-159, 2013
World modeling on an MSL robotic soccer team
J Silva, N Lau, AJR Neves, J Rodrigues, JL Azevedo
Mechatronics 21 (2), 411-422, 2011
Synthesis gas production from water electrolysis, using the Electrocracking concept
L Guerra, K Moura, J Rodrigues, J Gomes, J Puna, J Bordado, T Santos
Journal of environmental chemical engineering 6 (1), 604-609, 2018
Sensor and information fusion applied to a robotic soccer team
J Silva, N Lau, J Rodrigues, JL Azevedo, AJR Neves
RoboCup 2009: Robot Soccer World Cup XIII 13, 366-377, 2010
Analysis of single-strand exceptional word symmetry in the human genome: new measures
V Afreixo, JMOS Rodrigues, CAC Bastos
Biostatistics 16 (2), 209-221, 2015
Inter-dinucleotide distances in the human genome: an analysis of the whole-genome and protein-coding distributions
CAC Bastos, V Afreixo, AJ Pinho, SP Garcia, JMOS Rodrigues, ...
Journal of integrative bioinformatics 8 (3), 31-42, 2011
DNA word analysis based on the distribution of the distances between symmetric words
AHMP Tavares, AJ Pinho, RM Silva, JMOS Rodrigues, CAC Bastos, ...
Scientific reports 7 (1), 728, 2017
CAMBADA2010: Team description paper
AJR Neves, JL Azevedo, MB Cunha, N Lau, A Pereira, G Corrente, ...
Proceedings Robocup 2010, 2010
A genomic distance for assembly comparison based on compressed maximal exact matches
SP Garcia, JMOS Rodrigues, S Santos, D Pratas, V Afreixo, C Bastos, ...
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics 10 (3 …, 2013
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Articles 1–20