Elias Dinas
Elias Dinas
Swiss Chair of Federalism and International Governance, European University Institute
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Does exposure to the refugee crisis make natives more hostile?
D Hangartner, E Dinas, M Marbach, K Matakos, D Xefteris
American political science review 113 (2), 442-455, 2019
Waking up the golden dawn: does exposure to the refugee crisis increase support for extreme-right parties?
E Dinas, K Matakos, D Xefteris, D Hangartner
Political analysis 27 (2), 244-254, 2019
Measuring parties’ ideological positions with manifesto data: A critical evaluation of the competing methods
E Dinas, K Gemenis
Party politics 16 (4), 427-450, 2010
Does choice bring loyalty? Electoral participation and the development of party identification
E Dinas
American Journal of Political Science 58 (2), 449-465, 2014
The formation of voting habits
E Dinas
Journal of Elections, Public Opinion & Parties 22 (4), 431-456, 2012
Why does the apple fall far from the tree? How early political socialization prompts parent-child dissimilarity
E Dinas
British Journal of Political Science 44 (4), 827-852, 2014
Opening “openness to change” political events and the increased sensitivity of young adults
E Dinas
Political Research Quarterly 66 (4), 868-882, 2013
The 2012 Greek parliamentary elections: Fear and loathing in the polls
E Dinas, L Rori
West European Politics 36 (1), 270-282, 2013
From dusk to dawn: Local party organization and party success of right-wing extremism
E Dinas, V Georgiadou, I Konstantinidis, L Rori
Party politics 22 (1), 80-92, 2016
Crime story: The role of crime and immigration in the anti-immigration vote
E Dinas, J van Spanje
Electoral studies 30 (4), 658-671, 2011
Systemic polarisation and spatial voting
S Pardos‐Prado, E Dinas
European Journal of Political Research 49 (6), 759-786, 2010
Noncooperation by popular vote: Expectations, foreign intervention, and the vote in the 2015 Greek bailout referendum
S Walter, E Dinas, I Jurado, N Konstantinidis
International Organization 72 (4), 969-994, 2018
The ideological shadow of authoritarianism
E Dinas, K Northmore-Ball
Comparative Political Studies 53 (12), 1957-1991, 2020
Family history and attitudes toward out-groups: evidence from the European refugee crisis
E Dinas, V Fouka, A Schläpfer
The Journal of Politics 83 (2), 647-661, 2021
Left and right in the Basque Country and Catalonia: The meaning of ideology in a nationalist context
E Dinas
Voters and Parties in the Spanish Political Space, 103-121, 2016
Age-Period-Cohort analysis: A design-based approach
E Dinas, L Stoker
Electoral Studies 33, 28-40, 2014
Tactical voting and party preferences: A test of cognitive dissonance theory
J Bølstad, E Dinas, P Riera
Political behavior 35, 429-452, 2013
A look into the mirror: Preferences, representation and electoral participation
E Dinas, AH Trechsel, K Vassil
Electoral studies 36, 290-297, 2014
Thinking fast and furious: Emotional intensity and opinion polarization in online media
D Asker, E Dinas
Public Opinion Quarterly 83 (3), 487-509, 2019
Staying in the first league: Parliamentary representation and the electoral success of small parties
E Dinas, P Riera, N Roussias
Political Science Research and Methods 3 (2), 187-204, 2015
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Articles 1–20