Lorenzo Mosca
Lorenzo Mosca
Professor of Political Communication, University of Parma
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Globalization from below: Transnational activists and protest networks
HR D Della Porta, M Andretta, L Mosca
U of Minnesota Press, 2006
Movement parties against austerity
D Della Porta, J Fernández, H Kouki, L Mosca
John Wiley & Sons, 2017
Global-net for global movements? A network of networks for a movement of movements
D Della Porta, L Mosca
Journal of public policy 25 (1), 165-190, 2005
Global Democracy and the World Social Forum
J Smith, M Karides, M Becker, D Brunelle, C Chase-Dunn, D Della Porta, ...
Paradigm, 2007
Beyond left and right: the eclectic populism of the Five Star Movement
L Mosca, F Tronconi
Varieties of Populism in Europe in Times of Crises, 118-143, 2021
Global, noglobal, newglobal. La protesta contro il G8 a Genova
M Andretta, D Della Porta, L Mosca, H Reiter
Edizioni Giuseppe Laterza, 2002
The five star movement: exception or vanguard in Europe?
L Mosca
The International Spectator 49 (1), 36-52, 2014
No global-new global: Identität und Strategien der Antiglobalisierungsbewegung
M Andretta, D Della Porta, L Mosca
Campus Verlag, 2003
In movimento: ‘contamination’ in action and the Italian Global Justice Movement
D Della Porta, L Mosca
Global networks 7 (1), 1-27, 2007
Nuovi media, nuova politica?: partecipazione e mobilitazione online da MoveOn al Movimento 5 stelle
L Mosca, C Vaccari
Angeli, 2011
Democratic vision and online participatory spaces in the Italian Movimento 5 Stelle
L Mosca
Acta politica 55 (1), 1-18, 2020
Searching the net: Web sites’ qualities in the global justice movement
DD Porta, L Mosca
Information, Communication & Society 12 (6), 771-792, 2009
An internet-fuelled party? The Movimento 5 Stelle and the web
L Mosca, C Vaccari, A Valeriani
Beppe Grillo's five star movement, 127-151, 2016
Methodological practices in social movement online research
L Mosca
Methodological practices in social movement research 397, 417, 2014
Voting for movement parties in Southern Europe: The role of protest and digital information
L Mosca, M Quaranta
South European Society and Politics 22 (4), 427-446, 2017
Globalizzazione e movimenti sociali
DA Della Porta, L Mosca
Manifestolibri, 2003
The political use of the internet: Some insights from two surveys of Italian students
D Calenda, L Mosca
Information, Community & Society 10 (1), 29-47, 2007
News diets, social media use and non-institutional participation in three communication ecologies: Comparing Germany, Italy and the UK
L Mosca, M Quaranta
Information, Communication & Society 19 (3), 325-345, 2016
From the streets to the net? The political use of the internet by social movements
L Mosca
International Journal of E-Politics (IJEP) 1 (1), 1-21, 2010
Unconventional politics online: Internet and the global justice movement
L Mosca, D Della Porta
Democracy in social movements, 194-216, 2009
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