Andrew Tsou
Andrew Tsou
Ph.D. student, Indiana University
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Cited by
Team size matters: Collaboration and scientific impact since 1900
V Larivière, Y Gingras, CR Sugimoto, A Tsou
Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology 66 (7 …, 2015
Big data, bigger dilemmas: A critical review
H Ekbia, M Mattioli, I Kouper, G Arave, A Ghazinejad, T Bowman, VR Suri, ...
Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology 66 (8 …, 2015
Tweets as impact indicators: Examining the implications of automated “bot” accounts on T witter
S Haustein, TD Bowman, K Holmberg, A Tsou, CR Sugimoto, V Larivière
Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology 67 (1 …, 2016
Scientists popularizing science: characteristics and impact of TED talk presenters
CR Sugimoto, M Thelwall, V Larivière, A Tsou, P Mongeon, B Macaluso
PloS one 8 (4), e62403, 2013
Tweeting links to academic articles
M Thelwall, A Tsou, S Weingart, K Holmberg, S Haustein
Editorial CSIC, 2013
A community of curious souls: an analysis of commenting behavior on TED talks videos
A Tsou, M Thelwall, P Mongeon, CR Sugimoto
PloS one 9 (4), e93609, 2014
Authorship, citations, acknowledgments and visibility in social media: Symbolic capital in the multifaceted reward system of science
N Desrochers, A Paul-Hus, S Haustein, R Costas, P Mongeon, ...
Social science information 57 (2), 223-248, 2018
Who tweets about science?
A Tsou, TD Bowman, A Ghazinejad, CR Sugimoto
Issi, 2015
Publish or practice? An examination of librarians' contributions to research
SC Finlay, C Ni, A Tsou, CR Sugimoto
portal: Libraries and the Academy 13 (4), 403-421, 2013
Age stratification and cohort effects in scholarly communication: A study of social sciences
CR Sugimoto, TJ Sugimoto, A Tsou, S Milojević, V Larivière
Scientometrics 109, 997-1016, 2016
Scholarly communication as a core competency: Prevalence, activities, and concepts of scholarly communication librarianship as shown through job advertisements
C Finlay, A Tsou, C Sugimoto
Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication 3 (1), 2015
Beyond gatekeepers of knowledge: Scholarly communication practices of academic librarians and archivists at ARL institutions
CR Sugimoto, A Tsou, S Naslund, A Hauser, M Brandon, D Winter, ...
College & Research Libraries 75 (2), 145-161, 2014
Credibility of scientific information on social media: Variation by platform, genre and presence of formal credibility cues
C Boothby, D Murray, AP Waggy, A Tsou, CR Sugimoto
Quantitative Science Studies 2 (3), 845-863, 2021
The Conceptual Landscape of iSchools: Examining Current Research Interests of Faculty Members.
K Holmberg
Information Research: An International Electronic Journal 18 (3), n3, 2013
How does the front page of the Internet behave? Readability, emoticon use, and links on Reddit
A Tsou
First Monday, 2016
Unpublishable research: Examining and organizing the ‘file drawer’
A Tsou, J Schickore, CR Sugimoto
Learned Publishing 27 (4), 253-267, 2014
Self-presentation in scholarly profiles: Characteristics of images and perceptions of professionalism and attractiveness on academic social networking sites
A Tsou, TD Bowman, T Sugimoto, V Lariviere, CR Sugimoto
First Monday, 2016
Authorship, patents, citations, acknowledgments, tweets, reader counts and the multifaceted reward system of science
N Desrochers, TD Bowman, S Haustein, P Mongeon, A Quan‐Haase, ...
Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology 52 (1 …, 2015
Faculty and student interactions via Facebook: policies, preferences, and practices
C Hank, CR Sugimoto, A Tsou, J Pomerantz
It-Information Technology 56 (5), 216-223, 2014
Post-interdisciplinary frames of reference: exploring permeability and perceptions of disciplinarity in the social sciences
TD Bowman, A Tsou, C Ni, CR Sugimoto
Scientometrics 101, 1695-1714, 2014
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Articles 1–20