Francesca Pagliara
Francesca Pagliara
Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering, University of Naples Federico II
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The intention to move and residential location choice behaviour
JH Kim, F Pagliara, J Preston
Urban Studies 42 (9), 1621-1636, 2005
Urban rail systems investments: an analysis of the impacts on property values and residents’ location
F Pagliara, E Papa
Journal of Transport Geography 19 (2), 200-211, 2011
Analysis of mobility impacts of the high speed Rome–Naples rail link using withinday dynamic mode service choice models
E Cascetta, A Papola, F Pagliara, V Marzano
Journal of Transport Geography 19 (4), 635-643, 2011
Can High Speed Rail Foster the Choice of Destination for Tourism Purpose?
M Delaplace, F Pagliara, J Perrin, S Mermet
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 111, 166-175, 2014
Public engagement for planning and designing transportation systems
E Cascetta, F Pagliara
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 87, 103-116, 2013
High-Speed Rail Versus Air Transportation
F Pagliara, JM Vassallo, C Román
Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board …, 2012
Residential location choice: models and applications
F Pagliara, J Preston, D Simmonds
Springer Science & Business Media, 2010
Integrated railways-based policies: the Regional Metro System (RMS) project of Naples and Campania
E Cascetta, F Pagliara
Transport Policy 15 (2), 81-93, 2008
Choice set generation in spatial contexts: a review
F Pagliara, H Timmermans
Transportation Letters 1 (3), 181-196, 2009
The state-of-the-art in building residential location models
F Pagliara, A Wilson
Residential location choice, 1-20, 2010
Alternative approaches to trip distribution modelling: a retrospective review and suggestions for combining different approaches
E Cascetta, F Pagliara, A Papola
Papers in regional Science 86 (4), 597-620, 2007
High-speed trains and tourists: what is the link? Evidence from the French and Spanish capitals
F Pagliara, M Delaplace, JM Vassallo
Urban Transport XX 138, 17, 2014
Rail system development and urban transformations: Towards a spatial decision support system
E Papa, F Pagliara, L Bertolini
Railway Development, 337-357, 2008
An analysis of residential location choice behaviour in Oxfordshire, UK: a combined stated preference approach
JH Kim, F Pagliara, J Preston
International Review of Public Administration 8 (1), 103-114, 2003
Governance of urban mobility: complex systems and integrated policies
E Cascetta, F Pagliara, A Papola
Advances in complex systems 10 (supp02), 339-354, 2007
The impact of transport on residential location
F Pagliara, J Preston
Final Report TN6, Transport Studies Unit, University of Oxford, 2003
An Induced Demand Model for High Speed 1 in UK
F Pagliara, J Preston
Journal of Transportation Technologies 3, 44, 2013
The use of dominance variables in choice set generation
E Cascetta, F Pagliara
ETH, Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich, Institut für …, 2007
The evolution and planning of hierarchical transport networks
V de Martinis, F Pagliara, A Wilson
Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design 41 (2), 192-210, 2014
Employment Location in Cities and Regions: Models and Applications
F Pagliara, M de Bok, D Simmonds, A Wilson
Springer, 2012
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