Sarah Lebel
Sarah Lebel
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Cited by
Evaluation of in situ rainwater harvesting as an adaptation strategy to climate change for maize production in rainfed Africa
S Lebel, L Fleskens, PM Forster, LS Jackson, S Lorenz
Water resources management 29, 4803-4816, 2015
Time for a systematic review: A response to Bassett and Fogelman’s “Déjà vu or something new? The adaptation concept in the climate change literature”
S Lorenz, R Berman, J Dixon, S Lebel
Geoforum 51, 252-255, 2014
Solar drying shed for Cassava in Malawi
C Chappell, S Lebel
McGill University, 2009
Hydrological modelling of an agricultural watershed in India using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool
S Lebel
McGill University (Canada), 2011
Assessing the potential of in-field rainwater harvesting as an adaptation strategy to climate change for African agriculture
S Lebel, L Fleskens, PM Forster, LS Jackson, S Lorenz
Water Resources Management 29 (13), 4803-4816, 2015
Assessing the potential of rainwater harvesting as an adaptation strategy to climate change in Africa
SMA Lebel
University of Leeds, 2014
Assessing the potential of rainwater harvesting to sustain livelihoods in Sub-Saharan Africa under climate change
S Lebel, P Forster, L Fleskens, B Irvine
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2013, GC13B-1065, 2013
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Articles 1–7