Mariana Boadella
Mariana Boadella
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The status of tuberculosis in European wild mammals
C Gortázar, RJ Delahay, RA Mcdonald, M Boadella, GJ Wilson, ...
Mammal Review 42 (3), 193-206, 2012
The wild side of disease control at the wildlife-livestock-human interface: a review
C Gortazar, I Diez-Delgado, JA Barasona, J Vicente, J De La Fuente, ...
Frontiers in veterinary science 1, 27, 2015
Crossing the interspecies barrier: opening the door to zoonotic pathogens
C Gortazar, LA Reperant, T Kuiken, J de la Fuente, M Boadella, ...
PLoS pathogens 10 (6), e1004129, 2014
Spatial distribution and risk factors of Brucellosis in Iberian wild ungulates
PM Muñoz, M Boadella, M Arnal, MJ de Miguel, M Revilla, D Martínez, ...
BMC infectious diseases 10, 1-14, 2010
Progress in the control of bovine tuberculosis in Spanish wildlife
C Gortazar, J Vicente, M Boadella, C Ballesteros, RC Galindo, J Garrido, ...
Veterinary microbiology 151 (1-2), 170-178, 2011
Protection against Tuberculosis in Eurasian Wild Boar Vaccinated with Heat-Inactivated Mycobacterium bovis
JM Garrido, IA Sevilla, B Beltrán-Beck, E Minguijón, C Ballesteros, ...
PloS one 6 (9), e24905, 2011
Serologic tests for detecting antibodies against Mycobacterium bovis and Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis in Eurasian wild boar (Sus scrofa scrofa)
M Boadella, K Lyashchenko, R Greenwald, J Esfandiari, R Jaroso, ...
Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation 23 (1), 77-83, 2011
Temporal trend of tuberculosis in wild ungulates from Mediterranean S pain
J Vicente, JA Barasona, P Acevedo, JF Ruiz‐Fons, M Boadella, ...
Transboundary and emerging diseases 60, 92-103, 2013
Effects of culling Eurasian wild boar on the prevalence of Mycobacterium bovis and Aujeszky's disease virus
M Boadella, J Vicente, F Ruiz-Fons, J De la Fuente, C Gortázar
Preventive veterinary medicine 107 (3-4), 214-221, 2012
Seroprevalence evolution of selected pathogens in Iberian wild boar
M Boadella, JF Ruiz‐Fons, J Vicente, M Martín, J Segalés, C Gortazar
Transboundary and Emerging Diseases 59 (5), 395-404, 2012
Vaccination with BM86, subolesin and akirin protective antigens for the control of tick infestations in white tailed deer and red deer
D Carreón, JMP de la Lastra, C Almazán, M Canales, F Ruiz-Fons, ...
Vaccine 30 (2), 273-279, 2012
Monitoring of African swine fever in the wild boar population of the most recent endemic area of Spain
L Mur, M Boadella, B Martínez‐López, C Gallardo, C Gortazar, ...
Transboundary and emerging diseases 59 (6), 526-531, 2012
Wild boar tuberculosis in Iberian Atlantic Spain: a different picture from Mediterranean habitats
M Muñoz-Mendoza, N Marreros, M Boadella, C Gortázar, S Menéndez, ...
BMC veterinary research 9, 1-11, 2013
Wild boar: an increasing concern for Aujeszky's disease control in pigs?
M Boadella, C Gortázar, J Vicente, F Ruiz-Fons
BMC veterinary research 8, 1-7, 2012
Increasing contact with hepatitis E virus in red deer, Spain
M Boadella, M Casas, M Martín, J Vicente, J Segalés, J De la Fuente, ...
Emerging infectious diseases 16 (12), 1994, 2010
A transversal study on antibodies against selected pathogens in dromedary camels in the Canary Islands, Spain
G Mentaberre, C Gutiérrez, NF Rodríguez, S Joseph, D González-Barrio, ...
Veterinary Microbiology 167 (3-4), 468-473, 2013
Oral Vaccination with Heat Inactivated Mycobacterium bovis Activates the Complement System to Protect against Tuberculosis
B Beltran-Beck, J de la Fuente, JM Garrido, A Aranaz, I Sevilla, M Villar, ...
PloS one 9 (5), e98048, 2014
Six recommendations for improving monitoring of diseases shared with wildlife: examples regarding mycobacterial infections in Spain
M Boadella, C Gortazar, P Acevedo, T Carta, MP Martín-Hernando, ...
European Journal of Wildlife Research 57, 697-706, 2011
Spatio-temporal trends and risk factors affecting West Nile virus and related flavivirus exposure in Spanish wild ruminants
I García-Bocanegra, J Paniagua, AV Gutiérrez-Guzmán, S Lecollinet, ...
BMC veterinary research 12, 1-9, 2016
Seroprevalence and Risk Factors Associated to Mycobacterium bovis in Wild Artiodactyl Species from Southern Spain, 2006–2010
I Garcia-Bocanegra, B Pérez de Val, A Arenas-Montes, J Paniagua, ...
PLoS One 7 (4), e34908, 2012
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Articles 1–20