Rosario Uceda-Sosa
Rosario Uceda-Sosa
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From ontology to relational databases
A Gali, CX Chen, KT Claypool, R Uceda-Sosa
Conceptual Modeling for Advanced Application Domains: ER 2004 Workshops …, 2004
Learning to make better mistakes: Semantics-aware visual food recognition
H Wu, M Merler, R Uceda-Sosa, JR Smith
Proceedings of the 24th ACM international conference on Multimedia, 172-176, 2016
Method, system and program products for concurrent write access to a global data repository
RA Uceda-Sosa, SR Champagne, KN Marthi
US Patent 6,681,225, 2004
Image classification utilizing semantic relationships in a classification hierarchy
M Merler, JR Smith, RA Uceda-Sosa, H Wu
US Patent 9,928,448, 2018
Building a highly consumable semantic model for smarter cities
R Uceda-Sosa, B Srivastava, RJ Schloss
Proceedings of the AI for an Intelligent Planet, 1-8, 2011
Snap, Eat, RepEat: A food recognition engine for dietary logging
M Merler, H Wu, R Uceda-Sosa, QB Nguyen, JR Smith
Proceedings of the 2nd international workshop on multimedia assisted dietary …, 2016
Method, system and program products for modifying globally stored tables of a client-server environment
RA Uceda-Sosa, SR Champagne, GD Laib, KN Marthi, MN Novaes
US Patent 6,721,742, 2004
Method, system and program products for concurrently accessing a global data repository by multithreaded clients
RA Uceda-Sosa, GD Laib, MN Novaes
US Patent 6,965,892, 2005
Synchronous replication of transactions in a distributed system
MN Novaes, GD Laib, RA Uceda-Sosa, AA Prenneis Jr
US Patent 6,823,355, 2004
The techqa dataset
V Castelli, R Chakravarti, S Dana, A Ferritto, R Florian, M Franz, D Garg, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1911.02984, 2019
Method, system and program products for automatically connecting a client to a server of a replicated group of servers
RA Uceda-Sosa, GD Laib, SR Champagne, KN Marthi, MN Novaes
US Patent 7,133,891, 2006
Method, system and program products for serializing replicated transactions of a distributed computing environment
MN Novaes, GD Laib, JS Lucash, RA Uceda-Sosa
US Patent 6,823,356, 2004
Database Access Through Ontologies With Semi-Automatic Semantic Mapping
RA Uceda-Sosa
US Patent App. 11/462,385, 2008
Sygma: System for generalizable modular question answering overknowledge bases
S Neelam, U Sharma, H Karanam, S Ikbal, P Kapanipathi, I Abdelaziz, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2109.13430, 2021
Method and structure for template-based data retrieval for hypergraph entity-relation information structures
R Uceda-Sosa
US Patent App. 10/326,375, 2004
Modular authoring and visualization of rules using trees
JA Martino, PM Matchen, RA Uceda-Sosa
US Patent 8,713,012, 2014
CLOVE: a framework to design ontology views
R Uceda-Sosa, CX Chen, KT Claypool
Conceptual Modeling–ER 2004: 23rd International Conference on Conceptual …, 2004
Image classification utilizing semantic relationships in a classification hierarchy
M Merler, JR Smith, RA Uceda-Sosa, H Wu
US Patent 10,102,454, 2018
Method, system and program products for managing processing groups of a distributed computing environment
MN Novaes, GD Laib, KC Briskey, RA Uceda-Sosa
US Patent 7,325,046, 2008
A benchmark for generalizable and interpretable temporal question answering over knowledge bases
S Neelam, U Sharma, H Karanam, S Ikbal, P Kapanipathi, I Abdelaziz, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2201.05793, 2022
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Articles 1–20