Feigning sexual desire: Consenting to unwanted sexual activity in heterosexual dating relationships LF O'Sullivan, ER Allgeier Journal of Sex Research 35 (3), 234-243, 1998 | 535 | 1998 |
College students’ incorporation of initiator and restrictor roles in sexual dating interactions LF O'Sullivan, ES Byers Taylor & Francis Group 29 (3), 435-446, 1992 | 304 | 1992 |
Mother-daughter communication about sex among urban African American and Latino families LF O’Sullivan, HFL Meyer-Bahlburg, BX Watkins Journal of Adolescent Research 16 (3), 269-292, 2001 | 295 | 2001 |
Actual versus desired initiation patterns among a sample of college men: Tapping disjunctures within traditional male sexual scripts SL Dworkin, L O'Sullivan Journal of Sex Research 42 (2), 150-158, 2005 | 278 | 2005 |
What is sexual wellbeing and why does it matter for public health? KR Mitchell, R Lewis, LF O'Sullivan, JD Fortenberry The Lancet Public Health 6 (8), e608-e613, 2021 | 277 | 2021 |
A COMPARISON OF MALE AND FEMALE COLLEGE STUDENTS’EXPERIENCES OF SEXUAL COERCION LF O'Sullivan, ES Byers, L Finkelman Psychology of Women Quarterly 22 (2), 177-195, 1998 | 260 | 1998 |
I wanna hold your hand: The progression of social, romantic and sexual events in adolescent relationships LF O’Sullivan, MM Cheng, KM Harris, J Brooks‐Gunn Perspectives on sexual and reproductive health 39 (2), 100-107, 2007 | 230 | 2007 |
Sex without desire: Characteristics of occasions of sexual compliance in young adults' committed relationships SA Vannier, LF O'Sullivan Journal of sex research 47 (5), 429-439, 2010 | 226 | 2010 |
The developmental association of sexual self-concept with sexual behavior among adolescent women DJ Hensel, JD Fortenberry, LF O’Sullivan, DP Orr Journal of adolescence 34 (4), 675-684, 2011 | 221 | 2011 |
Gender role and relationship norms among young adults in South Africa: measuring the context of masculinity and HIV risk A Harrison, LF O'Sullivan, S Hoffman, C Dolezal, R Morrell Journal of urban health 83, 709-722, 2006 | 211 | 2006 |
Schoolgirls and soccer moms: A content analysis of free “teen” and “MILF” online pornography SA Vannier, AB Currie, LF O'sullivan The Journal of Sex Research 51 (3), 253-264, 2014 | 196 | 2014 |
The development of the sexual self-concept inventory for early adolescent girls LF O'Sullivan, HFL Meyer-Bahlburg, IW McKeague Psychology of Women Quarterly 30 (2), 139-149, 2006 | 195 | 2006 |
Communicating interest in sex: Verbal and nonverbal initiation of sexual activity in young adults’ romantic dating relationships SA Vannier, LF O’Sullivan Archives of Sexual Behavior 40, 961-969, 2011 | 177 | 2011 |
Gender dynamics in the primary sexual relationships of young rural South African women and men LF O'Sullivan, A Harrison, R Morrell, A Monroe‐Wise, M Kubeka Culture, Health & Sexuality 8 (02), 99-113, 2006 | 159 | 2006 |
The timing of changes in girls’ sexual cognitions and behaviors in early adolescence: A prospective, cohort study LF O’Sullivan, J Brooks-Gunn Journal of Adolescent Health 37 (3), 211-219, 2005 | 151 | 2005 |
HIV risk behaviors and the context of sexual coercion in young adults’ sexual interactions: results from a diary study in rural South Africa S Hoffman, LF O’Sullivan, A Harrison, C Dolezal, A Monroe-Wise Sexually transmitted diseases 33 (1), 52-58, 2006 | 144 | 2006 |
African-American and Latina inner-city girls’ reports of romantic and sexual development LF O’Sullivan, HFL Meyer-Bahlburg Journal of Social and personal relationships 20 (2), 221-238, 2003 | 144 | 2003 |
Eroding stereotypes: College women's attempts to influence reluctant male sexual partners LF O'Sullivan, ES Byers Journal of Sex Research 30 (3), 270-282, 1993 | 141 | 1993 |
Prevalence and characteristics of sexual functioning among sexually experienced middle to late adolescents LF O'Sullivan, LA Brotto, ES Byers, JA Majerovich, JA Wuest The journal of sexual medicine 11 (3), 630-641, 2014 | 115 | 2014 |
Less is more: The effects of sexual experience on judgments of men's and women's personality characteristics and relationship desirability LF O'Sullivan Sex Roles 33, 159-181, 1995 | 112 | 1995 |