Doug Downey
Doug Downey
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When bigger is not better: Family size, parental resources, and children's educational performance
DB Downey
American sociological review, 746-761, 1995
Assessing the oppositional culture explanation for racial/ethnic differences in school performance
JW Ainsworth-Darnell, DB Downey
American sociological review, 536-553, 1998
Are schools the great equalizer? Cognitive inequality during the summer months and the school year
DB Downey, PT Von Hippel, BA Broh
American Sociological Review 69 (5), 613-635, 2004
When race matters: Teachers' evaluations of students' classroom behavior
DB Downey, S Pribesh
Sociology of Education 77 (4), 267-282, 2004
Number of siblings and intellectual development: The resource dilution explanation.
DB Downey
American psychologist 56 (6-7), 497, 2001
Why are residential and school moves associated with poor school performance?
S Pribesh, DB Downey
Demography 36, 521-534, 1999
Fifty years since the Coleman Report: Rethinking the relationship between schools and inequality
DB Downey, DJ Condron
Sociology of education 89 (3), 207-220, 2016
The effect of school on overweight in childhood: gain in body mass index during the school year and during summer vacation
PT Von Hippel, B Powell, DB Downey, NJ Rowland
American journal of public health 97 (4), 696-702, 2007
Playing well with others in kindergarten: The benefit of siblings at home
DB Downey, DJ Condron
Journal of Marriage and Family 66 (2), 333-350, 2004
The school performance of children from single-mother and single-father families: Economic or interpersonal deprivation?
DB Downey
Journal of family issues 15 (1), 129-147, 1994
Sex differences in school performance during high school: Puzzling patterns and possible explanations
DB Downey, AS Vogt Yuan
Sociological quarterly 46 (2), 299-321, 2005
Are “failing” schools really failing? Using seasonal comparison to evaluate school effectiveness
DB Downey, PT Von Hippel, M Hughes
Sociology of Education 81 (3), 242-270, 2008
Inequality in reading and math skills forms mainly before kindergarten: A replication, and partial correction, of “Are schools the great equalizer?”
PT Von Hippel, J Workman, DB Downey
Sociology of Education 91 (4), 323-357, 2018
The search for oppositional culture among black students
DB Downey, JW Ainsworth-Darnell
American Sociological Review 67 (1), 156-160, 2002
Do children in single-parent households fare better living with same-sex parents?
DB Downey, B Powell
Journal of Marriage and the Family, 55-71, 1993
Black/white differences in school performance: The oppositional culture explanation
DB Downey
Annu. Rev. Sociol 34 (1), 107-126, 2008
Sex of parent and children's well-being in single-parent households
DB Downey, JW Ainsworth-Darnell, MJ Dufur
Journal of Marriage and the Family, 878-893, 1998
Understanding academic achievement among children in stephouseholds: The role of parental resources, sex of stepparent, and sex of child
DB Downey
Social Forces 73 (3), 875-894, 1995
Rethinking the attitude-achievement paradox among blacks
DB Downey, JW Ainsworth, Z Qian
Sociology of Education 82 (1), 1-19, 2009
Living in single-parent households: An investigation of the same-sex hypothesis
B Powell, DB Downey
American Sociological Review, 521-539, 1997
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