Stephanie M. Lukin
Stephanie M. Lukin
Computer Scientist, ARL
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Cited by
Extracting relevant knowledge for the detection of sarcasm and nastiness in the social web
R Justo, T Corcoran, SM Lukin, M Walker, MI Torres
Knowledge-Based Systems 69, 124-133, 2014
Really? well. apparently bootstrapping improves the performance of sarcasm and nastiness classifiers for online dialogue
S Lukin, M Walker
arXiv preprint arXiv:1708.08572, 2017
Argument strength is in the eye of the beholder: Audience effects in persuasion
SM Lukin, P Anand, M Walker, S Whittaker
arXiv preprint arXiv:1708.09085, 2017
Dialogue-AMR: abstract meaning representation for dialogue
C Bonial, L Donatelli, M Abrams, S Lukin, S Tratz, M Marge, R Artstein, ...
Proceedings of the Twelfth Language Resources and Evaluation Conference, 684-695, 2020
Generating different story tellings from semantic representations of narrative
E Rishes, SM Lukin, DK Elson, MA Walker
Interactive Storytelling: 6th International Conference, ICIDS 2013, Istanbul …, 2013
Controlling personality-based stylistic variation with neural natural language generators
S Oraby, L Reed, S Tandon, TS Sharath, S Lukin, M Walker
arXiv preprint arXiv:1805.08352, 2018
A machine learning framework for TCP round-trip time estimation
BA Arouche Nunes, K Veenstra, W Ballenthin, S Lukin, K Obraczka
EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking 2014, 1-22, 2014
A machine learning approach to end-to-end rtt estimation and its application to tcp
BAA Nunes, K Veenstra, W Ballenthin, S Lukin, K Obraczka
2011 Proceedings of 20th International Conference on Computer Communications …, 2011
Scoutbot: A dialogue system for collaborative navigation
SM Lukin, F Gervits, CJ Hayes, A Leuski, P Moolchandani, JG Rogers III, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1807.08074, 2018
Laying down the yellow brick road: Development of a wizard-of-oz interface for collecting human-robot dialogue
C Bonial, M Marge, A Foots, F Gervits, CJ Hayes, C Henry, SG Hill, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1710.06406, 2017
Data-driven dialogue systems for social agents
KK Bowden, S Oraby, A Misra, J Wu, S Lukin, M Walker
Advanced Social Interaction with Agents: 8th International Workshop on …, 2019
Dialogue structure annotation for multi-floor interaction
D Traum, C Henry, S Lukin, R Artstein, F Gervits, K Pollard, C Bonial, ...
Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Language Resources …, 2018
A Pipeline for Creative Visual Storytelling
SM Lukin, R Hobbs, CR Voss
Proceedings of the First Workshop on Storytelling, 20-32, 2018
Brainstorm, then select: a generative language model improves its creativity score
D Summers-Stay, CR Voss, SM Lukin
The AAAI-23 Workshop on Creative AI Across Modalities, 2023
Personabank: A corpus of personal narratives and their story intention graphs
SM Lukin, K Bowden, C Barackman, MA Walker
arXiv preprint arXiv:1708.09082, 2017
Generating sentence planning variations for story telling
SM Lukin, LI Reed, MA Walker
arXiv preprint arXiv:1708.08580, 2017
Envisioning narrative intelligence: A creative visual storytelling anthology
BA Halperin, SM Lukin
Proceedings of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2023
InfoForager: Leveraging semantic search with AMR for COVID-19 research
C Bonial, S Lukin, D Doughty, S Hill, C Voss
Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Designing Meaning …, 2020
Getting reliable annotations for sarcasm in online dialogues
R Swanson, S Lukin, L Eisenberg, TC Corcoran, MA Walker
arXiv preprint arXiv:1709.01042, 2017
A research platform for multi-robot dialogue with humans
M Marge, S Nogar, CJ Hayes, SM Lukin, J Bloecker, E Holder, C Voss
arXiv preprint arXiv:1910.05624, 2019
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Articles 1–20