Salisu Mamman Abdulrahman (PhD)
Salisu Mamman Abdulrahman (PhD)
Faculty Member, Kano University of Science and Technology, Wudil, Kano
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Cited by
Fast algorithm selection using learning curves
JN van Rijn, SM Abdulrahman, P Brazdil, J Vanschoren
Advances in Intelligent Data Analysis XIV: 14th International Symposium, IDA …, 2015
Speeding up algorithm selection using average ranking and active testing by introducing runtime
SM Abdulrahman, P Brazdil, JN van Rijn, J Vanschoren
Machine learning 107, 79-108, 2018
Measures for combining accuracy and time for meta-learning
SM Abdulrhaman, P Brazdil
Cloud computing based e-Learning: Opportunities and challenges for tertiary institutions in Nigeria
AR Muhammad, SM Abdulrahman
Int. J. of e-Edu., e-Bus., e-Manage. and e-Learning, 3.144-152, 2015
Algorithm selection via meta-learning and sample-based active testing
SM Abdulrhaman, P Brazdil, JN Van Rijn, J Vanschoren
Simplifying the algorithm selection using reduction of rankings of classification algorithms
SM Abdulrahman, P Brazdil, WMNW Zainon, A Adamu
Proceedings of the 2019 8th International Conference on Software and …, 2019
Combining feature and algorithm hyperparameter selection using some metalearning methods
M Cachada, SM Abdulrhaman, P Brazdil
Spectrum-based fault localization techniques application on multiple-fault programs: A review
A Zakari, S Abdullahi, NM Shagari, AB Tambawal, NM Shanono, ...
Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology 20, 41-48, 2020
An Overview of the Algorithm Selection Problem
SM Abdulrahman, A Adamu, YA Ibrahim, AR Muhammad
International Journal of Computer (IJC) 26 (1), 71-98, 2017
Empirical investigation of UML models matching through different weight calibration
A Adamu, WMNW Zainon, SM Abdulrahman
Proceedings of the 2019 8th International Conference on Software and …, 2019
Improving Algorithm Selection Methods using Meta-Learning by Considering Accuracy and Run Time
SM Abdulrahman
PQDT-Global, 2017
Model matching: Prediction of the influence of uml class diagram parameters during similarity assessment using artificial neural network
A Adamu, SM Abdulrahman, WMNW Zainoon, A Zakari
Deep Learning Approaches for Spoken and Natural Language Processing, 97-109, 2021
Autonomic cloud computing: A review
Y Ibrahim, A Adamu, S Abdulrahman, A Rilwan
International Journal of Computer 26, 99-104, 2017
Impact of feature selection on average ranking method via metalearning
SM Abdulrahman, MV Cachada, P Brazdil
VipIMAGE 2017: Proceedings of the VI ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on …, 2018
Effect of incomplete meta-dataset on average ranking method
SM Abdulrahman, P Brazdil
Workshop on Automatic Machine Learning, 1-10, 2016
Peer-to-peer Approach for Distributed Privacy-preserving Deep Learning
MA Sani, AA Lawan, SM Abdulrahman
International Journal of Computer (IJC) 40 (1), 91-108, 2021
Chanllenges Faced by Software Designers in Prividing Usable and Intuitive Interfaces
AA Y.A. Ibrahim, A. Rilwan, S.M. Abdulrahman
Mambilla: Journal of Sciences and Environment 4 (1), 70-74, 2017
Text Classification with Support Vector Machines, K -Nearest Neighbor and Decision Tree
Salisu Mamman Abdulrahman, Yazid Ado Ibrahim, Alhassan Adamu
Mambilla: Journal of Sciences and Environment 4 (1), 75-85, 2017
On the Evaluation of Algorithm Selection Problems
SM Abdulrahman, P Brazdil, J Vanschoren
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Articles 1–19