Steve Ritter
Steve Ritter
Founder and Chief Scientist, Carnegie Learning
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Cited by
How mastery learning works at scale
S Ritter, M Yudelson, SE Fancsali, SR Berman
Proceedings of the Third (2016) ACM Conference on Learning@ Scale, 71-79, 2016
Towards lightweight tutoring agents
S Ritter, KR Koedinger
Proceedings of the the 7th World Conference on Artificial Intelligence in …, 1995
How readability and topic incidence relate to performance on mathematics story problems in computer-based curricula.
C Walkington, V Clinton, SN Ritter, MJ Nathan
Journal of Educational Psychology 107 (4), 1051, 2015
Predicting standardized test scores from cognitive tutor interactions
S Ritter, A Joshi, S Fancsali, T Nixon
Educational Data Mining 2013, 2013
The Rise of the Super Experiment.
JC Stamper, D Lomas, D Ching, S Ritter, KR Koedinger, J Steinhart
International Educational Data Mining Society, 2012
Algebra I 2008-2009
J Stamper, A Niculescu-Mizil, S Ritter, GJ Gordon, KR Koedinger
Challenge data set from KDD Cup, 2010
Algebra I 2005-2006 and Bridge to Algebra 2006-2007
J Stamper, A Niculescu-Mizil, S Ritter, G Gordon, K Koedinger
Development data sets from KDD Cup, 2010
Better data beats big data
M Yudelson, S Fancsali, S Ritter, S Berman, T Nixon, A Joshi
Educational data mining 2014, 2014
The research behind the Carnegie Learning math series
S Ritter
Pittsburgh, PA: Carnegie Learning, 2011
An analysis of human tutors’ actions in tutorial dialogues
V Rus, N Maharjan, LJ Tamang, M Yudelson, S Berman, SE Fancsali, ...
The Thirtieth International Flairs Conference, 2017
Towards the Future of AI-Augmented Human Tutoring in Math Learning
V Aleven, R Baraniuk, E Brunskill, S Crossley, D Demszky, S Fancsali, ...
International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education, 26-31, 2023
Rewriting Math Word Problems with Large Language Models.
K Norberg, H Almoubayyed, SE Fancsali, L De Ley, K Weldon, A Murphy, ...
Grantee Submission, 2023
–Discovering Curve Data
I Goldin, PI Pavlik Jr, S Ritter
Design Recommendations for Intelligent Tutoring Systems: Volume 4-Domain …, 2016
Algebra i 2008–2009. challenge data set from kdd cup 2010 educational data mining challenge
J Stamper, A Niculescu-Mizil, S Ritter, GJ Gordon, KR Koedinger
Retrieved April 25, 2015, 2010
Challenge data set from kdd cup 2010 educational data mining challenge
J Stamper, A Niculescu-Mizil, S Ritter, GJ Gordon, KR Koedinger
Find it at http://pslcdatashop. web. cmu. edu/KDDCup/downloads. jsp, 2010
Towards Integrating Human and Automated Tutoring Systems.
S Ritter, M Yudelson, S Fancsali, SR Berman
EDM, 626-627, 2016
Spectral Bayesian Knowledge Tracing.
M Falakmasir, M Yudelson, S Ritter, K Koedinger
International Educational Data Mining Society, 2015
Instruction-embedded assessment for reading ability in adaptive mathematics software
H Almoubayyed, SE Fancsali, S Ritter
LAK23: 13th International Learning Analytics and Knowledge Conference, 366-377, 2023
Goal orientation, self-efficacy, and “online measures” in intelligent tutoring systems
S Fancsali, M Bernacki, T Nokes-Malach, M Yudelson, S Ritter
Proceedings of the annual meeting of the cognitive science society 36 (36), 2014
Rewriting math word problems to improve learning outcomes for emerging readers: a randomized field trial in Carnegie Learning’s Mathia
H Almoubayyed, R Bastoni, SR Berman, S Galasso, M Jensen, L Lester, ...
International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education, 200-205, 2023
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Articles 1–20