Sergi Reñé Vicente
Sergi Reñé Vicente
DataHop Labs
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A keyword-based ICN-IoT platform
O Ascigil, S Reñé, G Xylomenos, I Psaras, G Pavlou
Proceedings of the 4th ACM Conference on Information-Centric Networking, 22-28, 2017
Mobile data repositories at the edge
I Psaras, O Ascigil, S Rene, G Pavlou, A Afanasyev, L Zhang
USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Edge Computing (HotEdge 18), 2018
Connecting the edges: A universal, mobile-centric, and opportunistic communications architecture
CA Sarros, S Diamantopoulos, S Rene, I Psaras, A Lertsinsrubtavee, ...
IEEE Communications Magazine 56 (2), 136-143, 2018
Shard scheduler: Object placement and migration in sharded account-based blockchains
M Król, O Ascigil, S Rene, A Sonnino, M Al-Bassam, E Rivière
Proceedings of the 3rd ACM Conference on Advances in Financial Technologies …, 2021
Towards peer-to-peer content retrieval markets: Enhancing IPFS with ICN
O Ascigil, S Reñé, M Król, G Pavlou, L Zhang, T Hasegawa, Y Koizumi, ...
Proceedings of the 6th ACM Conference on Information-Centric Networking, 78-88, 2019
ChainSoft: collaborative software development using smart contracts
M Król, S Reñé, O Ascigil, I Psaras
Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Cryptocurrencies and Blockchains for …, 2018
Analysis of video streaming performance in vehicular networks
S Reñé, C Ganán, J Caubet, J Alins, J Mata, JL Munoz
The First International Conference on Advanced Communications and …, 2011
Multipath TCP architecture for infotainment multimedia applications in vehicular networks
S Rene, E Exposito, M Gineste, J Alins, O Esparza
2015 IEEE 81st Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC Spring), 1-5, 2015
On-demand routing for scalable name-based forwarding
O Ascigil, S Rene, I Psaras, G Pavlou
Proceedings of the 5th ACM Conference on Information-Centric Networking, 67-76, 2018
Keyword-based mobile application sharing
I Psaras, S René, KV Katsaro, V Sourlas, G Pavlou, N Bezirgiannidis, ...
Proceedings of the workshop on mobility in the evolving internet …, 2016
Analysis of inter-rsu beaconing interference in vanets
C Gañán, J Loo, A Ghosh, O Esparza, S Reñé, JL Munoz
International Workshop on Multiple Access Communications, 49-59, 2012
On the feasibility of a user-operated mobile content distribution network
I Psaras, V Sourlas, D Shtefan, S Rene, M Arumaithurai, D Kutscher, ...
2017 IEEE 18th International Symposium on A World of Wireless, Mobile and …, 2017
A congestion control framework based on in-network resource pooling
S Rene, O Ascigil, I Psaras, G Pavlou
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking 30 (2), 683-697, 2021
Information-centric connectivity
KV Katsaros, V Sourlas, I Psaras, S Reñé, G Pavlou
IEEE Communications Magazine 54 (9), 50-57, 2016
Vespa: Emulating infotainment applications in vehicular networks
S Rene, J Alins, J Mata-Diaz, C Ganan, JL Munoz, O Esparza
IEEE pervasive computing 13 (3), 58-66, 2014
Data Availability Sampling in Ethereum: Analysis of P2P Networking Requirements
M Król, O Ascigil, S Rene, E Rivière, M Pigaglio, K Peeroo, V Stankovic, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2306.11456, 2023
VSPLIT: A cross-layer architecture for V2I TCP services over 802.11
S Reñé, O Esparza, J Alins, J Mata-Díaz, JL Muñoz
Mobile networks and applications 18, 831-843, 2013
Computation offloading with ICN
M Król, AC Nicolaescu, S Reñé, O Ascigil, I Psaras, D Oran, D Kutscher
Proceedings of the 5th ACM Conference on Information-Centric Networking, 220-221, 2018
DISC-NG: Robust Service Discovery in the Ethereum Global Network
M Król, O Ascigil, S Rene, A Sonnino, M Pigaglio, R Sadre, F Lange, ...
R, 2024
Secure handoffs for V2I communications in 802.11 networks
CH Gañán, S Reñé, JL Muñoz-Tapia, O Esparza, J Mata-Díaz, J Alins
Proceedings of the 10th ACM symposium on Performance evaluation of wireless …, 2013
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