Binh Minh Nguyen
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Cited by
Evolutionary algorithms to optimize task scheduling problem for the IoT based bag-of-tasks application in cloud–fog computing environment
BM Nguyen, H Thi Thanh Binh, T The Anh, D Bao Son
Applied Sciences 9 (9), 1730, 2019
Towards a blockchain-based certificate authentication system in Vietnam
BM Nguyen, TC Dao, BL Do
PeerJ Computer Science 6, e266, 2020
An evolutionary algorithm for solving task scheduling problem in cloud-fog computing environment
HTT Binh, TT Anh, DB Son, PA Duc, BM Nguyen
Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Information and …, 2018
A multivariate fuzzy time series resource forecast model for clouds using LSTM and data correlation analysis
N Tran, T Nguyen, BM Nguyen, G Nguyen
Procedia Computer Science 126, 636-645, 2018
EO-CNN: an enhanced CNN model trained by equilibrium optimization for traffic transportation prediction
T Nguyen, G Nguyen, BM Nguyen
Procedia Computer Science 176, 800-809, 2020
A proactive cloud scaling model based on fuzzy time series and SLA awareness
D Tran, N Tran, G Nguyen, BM Nguyen
Procedia Computer Science 108, 365-374, 2017
A resource usage prediction system using functional-link and genetic algorithm neural network for multivariate cloud metrics
T Nguyen, N Tran, BM Nguyen, G Nguyen
2018 IEEE 11th conference on service-oriented computing and applications …, 2018
Efficient time-series forecasting using neural network and opposition-based coral reefs optimization
T Nguyen, T Nguyen, BM Nguyen, G Nguyen
International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems 12 (2), 1144-1161, 2019
Thi Thanh Binh H, The Anh T, Bao Son D (2019) Evolutionary algorithms to optimize task scheduling problem for the iot based bag-of-tasks application in cloud–fog computing …
BM Nguyen
Appl Sci 9 (9), 1730, 0
B-box-a decentralized storage system using ipfs, attributed-based encryption, and blockchain
VD Pham, CT Tran, T Nguyen, TT Nguyen, BL Do, TC Dao, BM Nguyen
2020 RIVF International conference on computing and communication …, 2020
A heuristics approach to mine behavioural data logs in mobile malware detection system
G Nguyen, BM Nguyen, D Tran, L Hluchy
Data & Knowledge Engineering 115, 129-151, 2018
Hybridization of galactic swarm and evolution whale optimization for global search problem
BM Nguyen, T Tran, T Nguyen, G Nguyen
IEEE Access 8, 74991-75010, 2020
Building resource auto-scaler with functional-link neural network and adaptive bacterial foraging optimization
T Nguyen, BM Nguyen, G Nguyen
International Conference on Theory and Applications of Models of Computation …, 2019
A new workload prediction model using extreme learning machine and enhanced tug of war optimization
T Nguyen, B Hoang, G Nguyen, BM Nguyen
Procedia Computer Science 170, 362-369, 2020
A generic development and deployment framework for cloud computing and distributed applications
MB Nguyen, V Tran, L Hluchy
Computing and informatics 32 (3), 461-485, 2013
Challenges and strategies for developing decentralized applications based on blockchain technology
TC Dao, BM Nguyen, BL Do
Advanced Information Networking and Applications: Proceedings of the 33rd …, 2020
Reinforcement learning for optimizing delay-sensitive task offloading in vehicular edge-cloud computing
TH Binh, H Vo, BM Nguyen, HTT Binh
IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2023
Iot services for solving critical problems in vietnam: A research landscape and directions
TD Cao, HH Hoang, HX Huynh, BM Nguyen, TV Pham, Q Tran-Minh, ...
IEEE Internet Computing 20 (5), 76-81, 2016
Value-based reinforcement learning approaches for task offloading in delay constrained vehicular edge computing
TH Binh, HK Vo, BM Nguyen, HTT Binh, S Yu
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 113, 104898, 2022
Enhancing service capability with multiple finite capacity server queues in cloud data centers
BM Nguyen, D Tran, G Nguyen
Cluster Computing 19, 1747-1767, 2016
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Articles 1–20