Paolo Parigi
Cited by
Cited by
Cloning headless frogs and other important matters: Conversation topics and network structure
P Bearman, P Parigi
Social forces 83 (2), 535-557, 2004
Reputation offsets trust judgments based on social biases among Airbnb users
B Abrahao, P Parigi, A Gupta, KS Cook
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114 (37), 9848-9853, 2017
Social isolation in America
P Parigi, W Henson
Annual Review of Sociology 40 (1), 153-171, 2014
Leading countries in global science increasingly receive more citations than other countries doing similar research
CJ Gomez, AC Herman, P Parigi
Nature Human Behaviour 6 (7), 919-929, 2022
Disenchanting the world: The impact of technology on relationships
P Parigi, B State
International Conference on Social Informatics, 166-182, 2014
Online field experiments: Studying social interactions in context
P Parigi, JJ Santana, KS Cook
Social Psychology Quarterly 80 (1), 1-19, 2017
Modeling social behaviors in an evacuation simulator
ML Chu, P Parigi, K Law, JC Latombe
Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds 25 (3-4), 373-382, 2014
Risk aversion and engagement in the sharing economy
J Santana, P Parigi
Games 6 (4), 560-573, 2015
From grassroots to digital ties: A case study of a political consumerism movement
P Parigi, R Gong
Journal of Consumer Culture 14 (2), 236-253, 2014
The rationalization of miracles
P Parigi
Cambridge University Press, 2012
A Community of Strangers: The Dis-Embedding of Social Ties
P Parigi, B State, D Dakhlallah, R Corten, K Cook
PLOS ONE 8 (7), e67388, 2013
More Stars or More Reviews
W Qiu, P Parigi, B Abrahao
CHI '18: Proceedings of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in …, 2018
Trust and relationships in the sharing economy
P Parigi, K Cook
Contexts 14 (1), 18-19, 2015
The political party as a network of cleavages: Disclosing the inner structure of Italian political parties in the seventies
P Parigi, L Sartori
Social Networks 36, 54-65, 2014
Moving more, but closer: Mapping the growing regionalization of global scientific mobility using ORCID
CJ Gomez, AC Herman, P Parigi
Journal of Informetrics 14 (3), 101044, 2020
SAFEgress: a flexible platform to study the effect of human and social behaviors on egress performance
ML Chu, P Parigi, K Law, JC Latombe
Proceedings of the Symposium on Simulation for Architecture & Urban Design, 4, 2014
Simulating effects of signage, groups, and crowds on emergent evacuation patterns
ML Chu, P Parigi, JC Latombe, KH Law
Ai & Society 30, 493-507, 2015
Simulating individual, group, and crowd behaviors in building egress
ML Chu, P Parigi, KH Law, JC Latombe
Simulation 91 (9), 825-845, 2015
The gig economy
P Parigi, X Ma
XRDS: Crossroads, The ACM Magazine for Students 23 (2), 38-41, 2016
Strange bedfellows: informal relationships and political preference formation within boardinghouses, 1825–1841
P Parigi, P Bergemann
American Journal of Sociology 122 (2), 501-531, 2016
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Articles 1–20