Edison Mera
Edison Mera
Process Design Center BV
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Cited by
An overview of Ciao and its design philosophy
MV Hermenegildo, F Bueno, M Carro, P López-García, E Mera, ...
Theory and Practice of Logic Programming 12 (1-2), 219-252, 2012
User-definable resource bounds analysis for logic programs
J Navas, E Mera, P López-García, MV Hermenegildo
Logic Programming: 23rd International Conference, ICLP 2007, Porto, Portugal …, 2007
Integrating software testing and run-time checking in an assertion verification framework
E Mera, P Lopez-García, M Hermenegildo
Logic Programming: 25th International Conference, ICLP 2009, Pasadena, CA …, 2009
The 480 kWp EUCLIDESTM-THERMIE Power plant: Installation, Set-up and First Results
G Sala, I Antón, JC Arboiro, A Luque, E Camblor, E Mera, M Gasson, ...
Sixteenth European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, 2072-2077, 2020
480 kW peak EUCLIDES concentrator power plant using parabolic troughs
G Sala, JC Arboiro, A Luque, I Antón, MP Gasson, NB Mason, ...
Proceedings of the 2nd World Conference on Photovoltaic Solar Energy …, 1998
Combining static analysis and profiling for estimating execution times
E Mera, P López-García, G Puebla, M Carro, MV Hermenegildo
Practical Aspects of Declarative Languages: 9th International Symposium …, 2007
Towards execution time estimation in abstract machine-based languages
E Mera, P Lopez, M Carro, M Hermenegildo
Proceedings of the 10th international ACM SIGPLAN conference on Principles …, 2008
Cimetidine prevents and partially reverses CCl4‐induced liver cirrhosis
P Muriel, E Mera, C Castillo, M Mourelle
Journal of applied toxicology 14 (2), 87-90, 1994
Profiling for run-time checking of computational properties and performance debugging in logic programs
E Mera, T Trigo, P Lopez-García, M Hermenegildo
Practical Aspects of Declarative Languages: 13th International Symposium …, 2011
An Overview of Ciao and its Design Philosophy. TPLP, 12 (1–2): 219–252, 2012
MV Hermenegildo, F Bueno, M Carro, P López, E Mera, J Morales, ...
The Ciao approach to the dynamic vs. static language dilemma
MV Hermenegildo, F Bueno, M Carro, P López, E Mera, J Morales, ...
Proc. Int’l. WS on Scripts to Programs, STOP 11, 2011
Porting and refactoring Prolog programs: the PROSYN case study
E Mera, J Wielemaker
TPLP 13, 4-5, 2013
Towards Execution Time Estimation for Logic Programs via Static Analysis and Profiling
E Mera, P López-García, G Puebla, M Carro, M Hermenegildo
arXiv preprint cs/0701108, 2007
Using combined static analysis and profiling for logic program execution time estimation
E Mera, P López-García, G Puebla, M Carro, M Hermenegildo
International Conference on Logic Programming, 431-432, 2006
An overview of the ciao system
MV Hermenegildo, F Bueno, M Carro, P López-García, R Haemmerlé, ...
Rule-Based Reasoning, Programming, and Applications: 5th International …, 2011
Nuevos retos en la agricultura, la Alelopatía
FA Macías, N Chinchilla, C Carrera, D Marín, MD García-Díaz, P Sánchez, ...
Agricultura: Revista agropecuaria y ganadera, 24-29, 2007
Combining static analysis and profiling for estimating execution times in logic programs
E Mera, P López García, AG Puebla Sánchez, M Carro Liñares, ...
Technical University of Madrid (UPM), 2006
Time course of COX and eNOS renal expression during rat pregnancy
RA Bobadilla, LA Robledo, EM Jimenez, PL Sanchez
Proceedings of the Western Pharmacology Society 46, 58-60, 2003
NADPH oxidase inhibitors as regulators of vascular relaxation in aortic rings of diabetic rats with streptozotocin (LB539)
M Macías, D Ahedo, R Bobadilla, F Martínez, E Mera, I Padilla, M Rosales
The FASEB Journal 28, LB539, 2014
Automatic granularity-aware parallelization of programs with predicates, functions, and constraints
MV Hermenegildo, F Bueno Carrillo, M Carro Liñares, A Casas, ...
ACM Press, 2007
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Articles 1–20