David Taniar
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Cited by
K-nearest neighbors on road networks: a journey in experimentation and in-memory implementation
T Abeywickrama, MA Cheema, D Taniar
arXiv preprint arXiv:1601.01549, 2016
High-performance parallel database processing and grid databases
D Taniar, CHC Leung, W Rahayu, S Goel
John Wiley & Sons, 2008
Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering: Computer, Informatics, Cybernetics and Applications: Proceedings of the CICA 2011
X Liu, X He
Springer Netherlands, 2012
ODAM: An optimized distributed association rule mining algorithm
MZ Ashrafi, D Taniar, K Smith
IEEE distributed systems online 5 (3), 2004
Parallel fuzzy c-means clustering for large data sets
T Kwok, K Smith, S Lozano, D Taniar
Euro-Par 2002 Parallel Processing: 8th International Euro-Par Conference …, 2002
Voronoi-Based ContinuousNearest Neighbor Search in Mobile Navigation
G Zhao, K Xuan, W Rahayu, D Taniar, M Safar, ML Gavrilova, ...
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 58 (6), 2247-2257, 2009
VGG19 network assisted joint segmentation and classification of lung nodules in CT images
MA Khan, V Rajinikanth, SC Satapathy, D Taniar, JR Mohanty, U Tariq, ...
Diagnostics 11 (12), 2208, 2021
Web semantics & ontology
D Taniar, JW Rahayu
Igi Global, 2006
A novel structure and access mechanism for mobile data broadcast in digital ecosystems
AB Waluyo, W Rahayu, D Taniar, B Scrinivasan
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 58 (6), 2173-2182, 2009
Voronoi-based reverse nearest neighbor query processing on spatial networks
M Safar, D Ibrahimi, D Taniar
Multimedia systems 15, 295-308, 2009
Mining association rules in data warehouses
HC Tjioe, D Taniar
International Journal of Data Warehousing and Mining (IJDWM) 1 (3), 28-62, 2005
Recurrent neural network for detecting malware
S Jha, D Prashar, HV Long, D Taniar
computers & security 99, 102037, 2020
Domain-driven, actionable knowledge discovery
L Cao, C Zhang, Q Yang, D Bell, M Vlachos, B Taneri, E Keogh, SY Philip, ...
IEEE Intelligent Systems 22 (4), 78-88, c3, 2007
Research in mobile database query optimization and processing
AB Waluyo, B Srinivasan, D Taniar
Mobile Information Systems 1 (4), 225-252, 2005
Exception rules in association rule mining
D Taniar, W Rahayu, V Lee, O Daly
Applied Mathematics and Computation 205 (2), 735-750, 2008
Voronoi-based range and continuous range query processing in mobile databases
K Xuan, G Zhao, D Taniar, W Rahayu, M Safar, B Srinivasan
Journal of Computer and System Sciences 77 (4), 637-651, 2011
Reverse k Nearest Neighbor and Reverse Farthest Neighbor Search on Spatial Networks
QT Tran, D Taniar, M Safar
Transactions on large-scale data-and knowledge-centered systems I, 353-372, 2009
Data mining and knowledge discovery technologies
D Taniar
IGI Global, 2008
A methodology for building XML data warehouses
LI Rusu, JW Rahayu, D Taniar
International Journal of Data Warehousing and Mining (IJDWM) 1 (2), 23-48, 2005
A hybrid action-related K-nearest neighbour (HAR-KNN) approach for recommendation systems
SGK Patro, BK Mishra, SK Panda, R Kumar, HV Long, D Taniar, ...
IEEE Access 8, 90978-90991, 2020
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Articles 1–20