Devayani Tirthali
Devayani Tirthali
Teachers College, Columbia University
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MOOCs: Expectations and reality
F Hollands, D Tirthali
MOOCs: expectations and reality. Full report, Centerfor Benefit-Cost Studies of Education, Teachers College Columbia University (2014)
FM Hollands, D Tirthali
Why Do Institutions Offer MOOCs?.
FM Hollands, D Tirthali
Online Learning 18 (3), n3, 2014
Resource requirements and costs of developing and delivering MOOCs
FM Hollands, D Tirthali
International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning 15 (5 …, 2014
Collectible card games as learning tools
S Turkay, S Adinolf, D Tirthali
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 46, 3701-3705, 2012
Youth leadership development in virtual worlds: A case study
S Turkay, D Tirthali
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 2 (2), 3175-3179, 2010
MOOCs in Higher Education: Institutional Goals and Paths Forward
FM Hollands, D Tirthali
Palgrave Macmillan, 2015
Are MOOCs Sustainable?
D Tirthali
From Books to MOOCs? Emerging Models of Learning and Teaching in Higher …, 2016
Teacher Professional Development In Grades 3 5: Fostering Teachers' And Students’ Content Knowledge In Science And Engineering
A Macalalag, S Lowes, K Guo, D Tirthali, M McKay, E McGrath
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition, 15.1164. 1-15.1164. 15, 2010
Student learning of STEM concepts using a challenge-based robotics curriculum
CAH McKay M.M., Lowes S., Tirthali D.
American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition …, 2015
Teacher professional development in elementary schools: Improving student achievement through science and engineering
AZ Macalalag, D Tirthali
P-12 Engineering and Design Education Research Summit, 2010
Facilitating open online discussions: speech acts inspiring and hindering deep conversations
D Tirthali, Y Murai
Open Learning: The Journal of Open, Distance and e-Learning 39 (3), 280-296, 2024
Transforming a middle and high school robotics curriculum
MM McKay, S Lowes, D Tirthali, EW McGrath, J Sayres, KAD Peterson
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, 23.1267. 1-23.1267. 21, 2013
In Torpor, Not Dead: A Look at a Collectible Card Game That Sticks Around
S Adinolf, S Turkay, D Tirthali
Proceedings of Games+ Learning+ Society 8, 41-47, 2012
Advancing Science and Engineering in Elementary Schools: Fostering Teachers’ Knowledge and Scientific Inquiry
A Macalalag Jr, S Lowes, K Guo, M McKay, E McGrath
National Association for Research in Science Teaching Annual Conference …, 2010
Educating about diabetes: Ethnographic study of conversations on a networking site
D Tirthali
Doctoral dissertation, Teachers College, Columbia University, 2013
Educating about diabetes: conversations on a social network site
D Tirthali
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 46, 3732-3737, 2012
I’am sorry my friend, I love you, but I don’t trust you": Social dynamics in a multiplayer collectible card game
S Turkay, S Adinolf, D Tirthali
Proceedings of the Games+ Learning+ Society Conference 3, 2013
Finding a Sense of Belonging: Linguistic and Social Marginalization in Education in Rural India
J Chandras, S Honwad, D Tirthali
Proceedings of the 17th International Conference of the Learning Sciences …, 2023
Decolonizing the Banjara Education Space: A Participatory Reflexive Initiative in Rural India
D Tirthali
American Educational Research Association, 2024
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Articles 1–20